Arthritis Sufferers

musicgal8199 Posts: 13
edited 3:47PM in Fitness and Exercise
Hi! My name is Deanna and I'm 29. I have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis (and now osteo-arthritis) for years and years. My knees are what give me the majority of my problems. I've been working out at the gym for a little over 2 months now. I've down 17 lbs. And I couldn't be happier.....well, maybe I could.

My curent workout routine includes the total body weight circuit at least twice a week and cardio at least 5 times a week. With my cardio training, I do 20 minutes on the bike at an intense resistance. Then I try and get at least 10 minutes of the elliptical in. I really would love to do more, but I'm not sure what to do.

Anyone out there suffer from arthritis and have success with other means of exercise?

I should mention that I tried an aquafit class at my gym, but I didn't like it too much. Our pool is very small and there were several people in the class and it made it very crowded. :-/


  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    I only have arthritis in one foot though my knees are a bit dodgy. I found treadmill at a high incline and a low speed (Incline of 13/ Speed 4.5-5 really got my heart rate up but wasn't too painful. I do 20 mins of that.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've had problems with the shoulders and hips since my 20s. Cutting sugar and gluten out of my diet has helped -- for exercise, I do "hot" yoga (Bikram Yoga). It's somewhat intense and doesn't put stress on the joints.
  • Really? Is there some scientific research supporting the cutting of sugar and gluten to benefit arthritis? I'm intrigued.....
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Really? Is there some scientific research supporting the cutting of sugar and gluten to benefit arthritis? I'm intrigued.....
  • cristi1956
    cristi1956 Posts: 9 Member
    I have had RA for about 5 years. I have always been healthy but at one point i didn't know what was happening i was in extreme pain. That's when i was diagnosed with RA. I love MFP and losing (31 lbs.) so far has really helped. I always do better in the summer i just hope i feel just as good in the winter. I have been doing more walking they seem to say exercise helps. i really need to step up and start going to the gym i'm just not ready yet. :) Has anyone noticed water retention with their RA. I have been losing consistently but sometimes it's half lb. and another week it could be 4 lbs.? I take humira every other week and i notice a smaller weight loss right before my injection. I also take small dosage of prednisone i hope i can get off this one day. Best to everyone and keep up the great work :)

    If anyone with RA would like to add me as friend it would be terrific!

  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I've had arthritis in my ankles, knees and really bad in my lower spine to the point where it's caused sciatica and forced me to walk with a cane at times. When I get a flare up I usually take Ibuprofen and do extra walking. It's better to keep moving then it is to rest with arthritis.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I'm still in the process of an official diagnosis, andI also have two close family members with RA and a sister with OA so I can really relate to this. I am working out at the gym. My knees really bother me sometimes but lately it's been my elbows. In fact, last night I could barely sleep because my left elbow was really painful. I empathize with the pain. But sounds like you're doing really great! Keep up the good work but listen to your body as well!

    eta: I do between 20 minutes to 45 minutes on the elliptical. The treadmill on occasion (I'd rather run outside on a track but I live in a city so they're hard to come by), and a cross-trainer. The cross-trainer really hurts my knees if I have the resistance up too high.
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