The Diamond Challenge: Round 4 - Wk 2 (Little Diamonds)



  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Friday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    For is to feel better about myself. I am not overweight; however, most of my weight is in my stomach so if I am not careful about what I wear, I look pregnant (i.e. the cute little shirts...i believe they are called baby doll shirts - the ones that have a seam or tie right beneath your bust line then flare out like a bell).

    This will be a bit long because I need to provide some history...LOL! To start, when I got married in 1999, I only weighed about 96-98lbs, BUT I am on 4'10 so it was a good weight on my frame. At my height, I should be between 96-119, but I think I look better around 105ish so that is my goal!

    Back 2003 my youngest sister joined WW after she got engaged and lost about 75lbs between Feb-Sept - she was beautiful and a lot happier. Well in January 2004, I had someone actually ask me if I was pregnant and it was really frustrating because it wasn't the first time someone asked me - at this point I had reached a weight of 116, still not bad for my frame, but it was all in the tummy :ohwell: ! I decided that since my sister got such good results on WW I would to and I joined - I lost 20 lbs in about 4 months and felt great even though I still had my little pooch because at the time I didn't know what kind of exercise would get rid of it :wink: .

    After 10 years of marriage, in 2009 we decide to try for a baby. Based on medical issues I have, I already knew it would be a hard fight and that there was going to be fertility stuff involved. After three separate cycles and no successful pregnancies, we have put the baby factor on hold for now until we can decide what step to take next. The fertility cycles did not leave me empty handed...that's right I packed on some weight in the tummy area AGAIN!!! I joined WW back in Feb 2011 with a starting weight of 127.2 (about 10 lbs over the top of my weight range). After 4 months, I was down to 120.6 and decided to cancel my membership and do it on my own. May have been a small mistake on my part as when I joined MFP in June I started at 121.6 which means I gained 1 lb in 2 weeks :noway:

    I am still searching for the right groove to help me lose, but I am staying between 121-122 so I'm just happy that I'm not gaining. And to be perfectly honest, if I can find a way to lose my tummy and tone up then I would try to maintain at whatever weight I am when I get to that point. My tummy is my BIGGEST issue and the one area I am most unhappy about.

    ALL of you ladies rock and I look forward to losing with you for quite a while :wink:
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Friday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I love how simple this question SEEMS and yet it is so not simple! I have wanted to lose weight since I was 12 years old... except that I wasn't overweight when I was 12. I was actually at a very health weight, a bit on the low end for my height. However, I was surrounded by unhealthy people who wanted to be anorexically thin (yeah, I made that word up). So, I have always had issues with my perception of my weight... long before I actually needed to lose any weight!

    In the last two years, however, I actually did gain weight and found that I started to actively dislike what I saw in the mirror (rather than passively think I could stand to lose a love handle here and there). So, I kicked it into high gear and joined this site. I now feel happy knowing that I am losing weight in a healthy way with the support of people doing the same. I have a much healthier sense of self now, but I think I will always struggle with wanting to be thinner than I need to be. My goal is to reach my goal weight, but then actually be HAPPY with where I am!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Friday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    My all time highest was around 189+. At that time I lost 40+ lbs. Then I slowly put most of it back on. I remember how great I felt when I had lost all that weight, how good I looked, how many compliments I got, how I could wear cuter clothes. So, after gaining weight back, my clothes were getting too tight again, my fat clothes were getting fatter, and I stepped on the scale and saw I was dangerously close to my starting weight the last time around. I knew I had to do something.... But what? I had already tried Weight Watchers (didn't work for me), NutriSystem (didn't like the taste of the food), and tons of other gimmicks. Heck, I had even done calorie counting before, but on a different website that didn't have all the support MFP does.

    I looked around and eventually found MFP. I honestly wasn't all that committed to losing weight. I figured it wouldn't work, like it hadn't all the times before. But, I knew if anything was going to work, I knew I had to find something that forced me to control myself. I am one of those people that can eat a bag of Oreos in a day or two. I can't just eat a couple at a time unless I have something holding me accountable. Anyway, I found MFP and by the first day I was hooked. I have not missed a day since then.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I wanted to lose this weight because I am uncomfortable ( plain and simple). My clothes were getting too tight. I resotrted to sweats all of the time. It was getting to be too much.

    The push was the fact that a cousin of mine, who has always been bigger than me and had more excuses than a little bit, lost 50 lbs. This meant we were around the same weight. I was like this weight has to go!!!
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I recently had a conversation with my boyfriend about why I had such low self esteem. It hit me that I still see myself as being the fat person I was 10 years ago, although in reality, I'm in much better shape than I was then. And even though I can't blame my low self confidence entirely on my weight, I know that's a huge factor for me. A few long talks later, I realized that I owed it to myself to get in shape. Not just to lose weight and look better, but because it would give me the ability and confidence to pursue the activities I love.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I had gained my weight during pregnancy and was still huge five months after having my son. I felt really unhealthy and hated every photo of me. Now I have lost the weight, I realise how unfit I was too, and you Definately need to be fit to cope with the task of motherhood! I think if I have another baby, I will try to avoid such big weight gains and try to be mire active.
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    Like many of you I was unhappy with myself . But it wasn't til I got back some pictures we took at a family gathering and I saw myself in the photo and I though in my head this looks like someone hooked a bicycle pump up to me and blew me up. I was in shock at how fat I was. and that was the turning point for me . I was also having heart papitations and very achey in my joints. There is a history of HBP and diabetes in my family and I didn't want to be on meds This journey started about 8 years ago my weight then was 192 the highest I ever reached. I joined ww and lost about 33lbs. never reaching my ww goal but i maintained for awhile then my mom passed away and I continued to maintain until the anniversary of her death and I lost it started eating everything insight again and gained back all but 10lbs. of it once again I started to get things back in control through much prayer and began the healthy way of eating and exercising. I found mfp and it has helped me I love the support and don't feel alone. all of you are great. thanks.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Friday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    Simply put, I wanted to like myself again... I wanted to like how I looked in pictures and mirrors. Seeing pictures of myself was humiliating. I hated seeing people that I had not seen in a long time because I didn't want people to see how much I had gained. It was misable and I was just tired of it. I was a very self confident person and I wanted that back!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    If there is a new thread already - I apologize....just got home from camping :)

    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    For me, I started MFP at 219. I was 183 when I was 20, at the time I found out I was pregnant with my first son. I have been lower than that only once during the last 20 years. So I set my initial goal for 180...then changed it to 175 to get out of the obese range on BMI scale. I have decided to see how I feel once I reach 175lbs - and go from there.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Friday's QOTD
    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I want to lose weight because I have been overweight for pretty much most of my life. I started my weight loss journey when I graduatedd from college 13 years ago. It has been a constant roller coaster of my weight fluctuating anywhere from the 190's to my lowest weight in the 150's. I want to lose weight and keep it off because I want to be healthier and confident about the way I look and feel.
    The push this time around was seeing a picture of myself wher I looked like I was stuffed in my clothes. So I vowed to get the weight for once and for all. I started and January and have lost 37 lbs and looking forward to reaching my goa
  • LittleDiamonds