A question for women around 160-180lbs in weight and working

katyk08 Posts: 302
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
About how many lbs do you lose on a weekly basis on average? Monthly? And do you feel it is safe??

I have been so used to losing ATLEAST 2lbs/week and more sometimes which totals around 8-10lbs/ month..Well now I am slowing down and its getting frustrating. Granted, I started out at 250lbs with bad eating habits, and no regular exercise. I am down to 169lbs, workout atleast 4x/week and eat healthy for the most part..(lately Ive had some indiscretions.)

Realisticly, how much can I expect to lose in a week/month now? The high and low numbers! Im not going to kill or starve myself to keep losing 10lbs/month but Im just wondering what I should be expecting to see so I dont get disappointed. Since January Ive lost about 5-6lbs. Should I be happy with this?? Cause it seems like such a LOW number to me!!! Thanks for all your advice and help!!!

:heart: :flowerforyou: Katy


  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    About how many lbs do you lose on a weekly basis on average? Monthly? And do you feel it is safe??

    I have been so used to losing ATLEAST 2lbs/week and more sometimes which totals around 8-10lbs/ month..Well now I am slowing down and its getting frustrating. Granted, I started out at 250lbs with bad eating habits, and no regular exercise. I am down to 169lbs, workout atleast 4x/week and eat healthy for the most part..(lately Ive had some indiscretions.)

    Realisticly, how much can I expect to lose in a week/month now? The high and low numbers! Im not going to kill or starve myself to keep losing 10lbs/month but Im just wondering what I should be expecting to see so I dont get disappointed. Since January Ive lost about 5-6lbs. Should I be happy with this?? Cause it seems like such a LOW number to me!!! Thanks for all your advice and help!!!

    :heart: :flowerforyou: Katy
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    Good for you, Katy! It's amazing that you've lost so much weight already and turned your life around.

    I've read elsewhere that's its normal to hit a weight-loss plateau, where the rate at which you lose weight tapers off. Most people get here and get very frustrated, but it's important to stick with your program and maintain a positive attitude. You've come a long way, and ANY weight-loss is still better than none, right?

    I would suggest maybe looking into ways to add variety to your exercise routine, maybe trying a new fitness class, or joining a dance-class with a partner - that way you start engaging muscle groups that you may not have been using before.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    again, congratulations on your weight loss. that's fantastic.

    now on the topic of weight:
    your weight loss will definitely slow you down. you'll probably start slowing down to two pounds, then one. the lower you get, the harder it will be to drop. just keep at it. and you will probably eventually hit a plateau. as meryl said, trying varying your exercise and your food choices

    best of luck!
  • Seriously, congratulations on the weight loss.

    I have found that after the initial weight drop, my weight loss slowed as well. What I have found that works is making more little decisions along the way... walk to more places if you can, eat 3/4 cup of something instead of 1 cup, etc. I have also found that increasing fiber and yogurt intake can help burn a little bit of that extra fat.

    Also, keep in mind that you have LOST 5-6 pounds since January. You haven't stopped losing weight, and you're still on the right track.

    The most important thing is to keep your head in the game. Don't give up, and stay motivated! You're doing great!
  • Congrats on losing all that weight! My doctor talked to me about this kind of thing when he put me on my weight loss program. He told me that I would lose a lot of weight pretty fast at first but since I was going to be working out as well as dieting I would eventually get to where I would start building muscle mass (which weighs more than fat) but that this was a good thing. Building muscle mass would help tone the rest of my body, and while I may actually stop losing as much weight, I would still lose inches. Hope this helps!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    1-2lbs per week is healthy and realistic. Your weight loss so far is TERRIFIC!!!!:flowerforyou: Don't get discouraged if your rate of loss is slowing down. Celebrate every pound! As you'll read all over this site, when you hit a plateau, it is important to change your routine, especially in regards to exercise. If you have Comcast cable, check out the On Demand exercise videos. Good Luck!
  • I think you should be *thrilled* to have lost so much since January! Good for you!

    My scale hasn't moved at all in 2 1/2 weeks, and I, too, am getting depressed. I'm stuck at 160.5 lbs (exactly where I started on myfitnesspal.com) and would be ecstatic if I could lose even 1 lb--any progress at this point would be cause for celebration! So consider yourself fortunate, and when you get frustrated just remember how much you've already lost.

    And stay away from the scale--sometimes I find it more encouraging to gauge my (glacially slow) progress based on how my clothes fit,. Always remember that muscle is more compact than fat and with your exercise routine you are building muscle. A pound = a pound, but once it is a pound of muscle it takes up less room. Does that make sense?
  • Sometimes you will hit a wall and you don't feel like your losing anything, you will need to change it up and bit because your bodies is getting use to the routin. I found a site that has allot of helpful information, there people like us there and even body builders there. Ellite fitness is the name of it...check it out, there are lots of good postings for your topic there.

    BTW....your doing awesome! Keep up the good work and never get discourage! :wink:
  • and another thing........the scale is NOT your friend......I decided to not even go by scale so much as inches with measurements. Like someone else stated, muscle weighs more than fat so it won't be accurate. If you go to the gym or doctor see if they can measure you body fat. That will tell the tell in the long haul.
  • Congrats on losing so much weight! That's awesome!!

    I don't want to repeat what everyone has been saying so heres another tip.

    I did weight watchers a couple months ago (hence this is just like weight watchers but FREE) and they tell you that your weight loss will decrease when you've lost alot because your body is so used to the fat that it had before. Therefore when your body thinks its NECESSARY to keep the fat on you and when you have a healthy amount of fat, it freezes. But you'll get past it if you stick to your routine, im sure of it!!
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm with you and doing the same thing!! My own doing that I'm at a stand still! :tongue: I keep telling myself one day at a time but days are turning into months. At least holding and hopefully soon I'll do better.:embarassed:

    Here's to all & keep truckin !! :drinker:
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