Weekend down fall!

Anyone else eat really well throughout the week, lose some Lb but then completely ruin it at the weekend?

We have a really active social life and each weekend it's out for meals and drinks, food festivals, gigs, etc etc. Each time I end up putting all the weight back on I lost in the week and then get so disheartened, just wondering if anyone else has this or any suggestions to moving forward.

Thanks guys


  • n_green_l
    n_green_l Posts: 74 Member
    That's exactly my downfall too... all week I'm really good and the weekend is a challenge as I'm always out either at a gig, drinks etc. It's made my weight loss slower but I try to maybe just have the one night instead of two, do a bit more exercise and plan my drinks/food in advance so I don't go over too much.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,566 Member
    Find a hobby, something that keeps you occupied during the weekend. Go hiking, exploring old industrial or historic sites, learn to programme, whatever you like. Just don't get bored.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Right there with you! And then the next morning, after a night out, I just do not feel like exercising at all.

    I've started trying to earn "extra credit" by really pushing it hard in the week to offset what I know will be some bad days. And this weekend, I filled the fridge with fruit and veg, including a huge watermelon, so I can eat those things here during the day. But it is definitely hard to balance a weekend life with calorie counting. I'm not one of those guys who goes to a party and then tells the whole room that he's dieting, so he can't have the 220 calories in that beer, etc. I don't want the world to know I'm trying to lose. So the stealth factor adds another level of difficulty to all this.

  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    If the weekend ruins everything, you just have to be more disciplined and strict when the weekend comes. But make sure it's that and not the other way around - the "being good all week" that is leaving you disheartened. Undereating and/or feeling deprived will always lead to overeating.

    Agreed. Good point.
  • tanya10166
    tanya10166 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the same problem. Food is easy to resist, drinks not so much. I'm just going to try to premeditate the drinks and bank the calories. Maybe even only allow one night a week for alcohol. Easier said than done but let's do it, vices totally impede fitness goals!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    For me I eat a little less during the week and bank calories for the weekend. However that doesn't mean I go too crazy either, if I know I have an event or big dinner, I will typically eat less during the day and keep more active. And while my cals are lower during the week, I also don't deprive myself.. I make sure to incorporate foods I love and treats so I am not a tiger out of the cage come the weekend.
  • ChristyB1117
    ChristyB1117 Posts: 51 Member
    I also have this problem. What I have found to work is allow 1 time, and only 1 time I might be a little less strict. However, I still track it all. Keeps the entire weekend from being a free for all, but also allows for maybe 1 dinner out or a few glasses of wine. I track it to make sure I earned it throughout the week before, usually no more than 500 or so calorie. Means I limit what I drink and possibly order something a little better than that 1500 calorie burger and fries :)
  • carriebeenz
    carriebeenz Posts: 16 Member
    This is my exact problem. One step forward, one step back so going nowhere. I exercise lots during the weekend so I hope this counteracts the over eating. Probably bad logic!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm a lot more loose with things on the weekend, but if you're actually undoing everything over the weekend then you must be going totally nuts with things.

    I definitely eat more and have my indulgences on the weekends...but I'm also way more active. I'm usually up a bit on Monday, but that's water and waste...usually by Thursday or Friday I've hit a new low number.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    This sounds very familiar. I spent a lot of time tracking calories before I started making changes, and a big part of that has been getting a hold of going out - I can easily double or more my calories on a night out and I'm not even restricting that much the rest of the week. I cut down to nights out a week and am working on keeping one of those nights tame while letting myself loosen up the other. I switched my drink of choice (both out and at home) from wine to cider, as I can't drink it as quickly so drink less, which usually means eating less too. Also, I try and eat at home before going out - a full meal whenever possible, but at least a solid snack to keep my eating out down. I think it's important to keep doing things you like, I just am trying to do it in a smarter way.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    Maybe look at your goal on a weekly timeline instead of a daily one. For instance, if your goal is 1600 calories, you have 11,200 calories that week to use whenever you wish. If you consume more on the weekends, then cut back a bit or move a bit more during the week. You can have 6 days of 1500 net calories and then a weekend day of 2200, or 5 days at 1500 and two days of 1850 - you get the point.

    It basically sounds like you're doing this, but you're averaging maintenance calories if you're up and down the same weight on the scale from week to week. There's no need to get discouraged by your efforts - you just have re-adjust to something that works a little better to reach your goals :).
  • wdedoelder
    wdedoelder Posts: 59 Member
    Same issue here. I go out for Sushi and gain 3 pounds. It takes me 2 weeks to get back :(
  • ssmarquits84
    ssmarquits84 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes this was a bad weekend for me.
  • ssmarquits84
    ssmarquits84 Posts: 32 Member
    Everything seem to taste so good when you avoiding it.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Everything seem to taste so good when you avoiding it.

    Do you see the pattern yet?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Work to your weekly goal do you can fit in treats at the weekend, and make saturday your weigh day.
  • Sugar_Free_Veggie
    Sugar_Free_Veggie Posts: 9 Member
    This is me! I don't think I'm going crazy but clearly I'm just over doing!
    wdedoelder wrote: »
    Same issue here. I go out for Sushi and gain 3 pounds. It takes me 2 weeks to get back :(