P90X Burnout

I've read that it happens a lot, but I didn't expect it to happen to me :(

I just finished Week 1 of Phase 2 (Classic). It's starting to become a serious struggle to make myself do this every day. When I first started I was excited to do each workout, but slowly as the weeks have gone by I'm enjoying it less and less.

I don't want to quit, I want to push through it. I feel strong and empowered when I'm done, it's just getting to it that's hard. For those of you who have finished the program, did you ever hit that wall? How did you get past it?


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am in the first week of Phase 3 now, and I guess I just force myself to do it. If it is on my calendar, I have to do it, just like any other scheduled meeting. It keeps me motivated - especially when I cross it off on the calendar on my wall. It shows me how far I have come and how much more I need to do.

    You can do this!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    it's the 1st part of self control of any exersice...you just gotta get up off your *kitten* and do it! sorry but true.....i've been there, but just make yourself do it...you you won't loose the weight you need to!
    sooner you have done it the sooner it's over ! lol
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    This is the one reason I've hesitated to get this program.... eager to see what others will advise you. I get burned out very easily and have to change it up once in a while and I'm easily discouraged when things are SUPER tough.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I haven't done P90X but I train for marathons (currently training for one now) and practice TaeKwonDo.... as well as a few other things. I sometimes do two or three workouts in a day. And yes, it can wear you down. First, make sure you are getting enough sleep, and I dont mean a bare minimum. You might need even a little more. Make sure you are drinking enough water. And feed your body with food chocked full of nutrition. Try to avoid garbage calories as much as possible. And when you have done all these things, and you're still just plain exhausted, give yourself a day off and commit to starting back up the following day. Use that day off to really rest, put your feet up, carb up a little (don't go crazy). You'll feel like a new person after a rest day. Good luck!!
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I finished my first round a few weeks ago and starting 2nd round on monday....I have a calendar too...it works for me. hanging right there in my face. cross off the days as i go. I just kept pushing myself. Some nights my intensity wasn't there but i just kept pushing thru it. If you aren't doing it already, keep track of your workouts too--ie, how much you're lifting and how many sets. By the end of the whole thing you can look back and see how far you've come just by adding weight and pushing out 15 reps vs. 12. Take a look at the success stories on here too...it helped me. Good luck, you can do it!!
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    To motivate myself through p90x, and now Insanity, I printed out a picture of me at my heaviest and put it on my bathroom mirror so every time I am in there I can look at how I looked before I decided to make myself get healthy. It is a good reminder of what I am doing.

    Only you can decide if you have the will power to continue, but remember the tagline for Beach Body is decide/commit/succeed. As the old saying goes: whether you think you can or you can't, you're right. Keep it up, dig deeper at all that other stuff!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    This is the one reason I've hesitated to get this program.... eager to see what others will advise you. I get burned out very easily and have to change it up once in a while and I'm easily discouraged when things are SUPER tough.

    Don't let this be the barrier to starting it... or you'll never get started. Just give it your best shot and push forward. And listen to your body. If you need to rest, give yourself that rest. And then start back up. You can train yourself to think of yourself as a person who doesn't burn out easily and who isn't easily discouraged. It's 99.9% mental.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    I hit the wall in the 2nd round of P90X. It really comes down to how bad you want it. It being healthy, fit, eating right etc. How bad do you want it. Do you want to stop and go back to being unfit and not eating right. Up to you. I just told myself to suck it up cupcake and get your butt busy.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I have heard a lot of people get bored with P90X. I did it for 5 weeks and didn't like my results. Personally I need more Cardio. I LOVE Insanity, but needed more variety. I also was spinning before I started P90X or Insanity and really missed my bike ( I do everything at home) so now I mix it all up! I love it and have gotten great results!! There is no big rule out there that you HAVE to follow the EXACT calendar these things come with. It is a nice guide....I do The Firm videos 3x a week to get some weights in, spinning on those days and Insanity on other days.....I never get bored and love the variety! Good Luck!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Turn the volume down on Tony and put on some rockin' tunes that really get you pumping! If you see your workout as a party - and it is a party for your body! - you'll start to look forward to it again! I have created several playlists on my iPod that keep me up and grooving the weights - seems simple, but it works.

    Also, if you don't already workout in the morning, try making your workout the start to your day. Get it done, then get on with your day. I find it's a lot harder to find the motivation after the end of a very long work day.

    Good luck and keep pushing PLAY! Hang in there and keep going - you can do it!
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    I am just finishing up Insanity right now and am looking to add some resistance training. I have bought the P90X program and am thinking of doing a hybrid Insanity/P90X program to try to get the benefits of both. There are a lot days where I have a hard time getting through this second month of Insanity but you just have to will yourself through it, and you always feel better when you are done.