Accused of drug use

I'm sorry if this has been posted before, I scrolled for a bit and didn't see anything.

I was on meth 10+ years ago. Or basicly anything I could get my hands on. Because of this my family believes that that is the only explanation for my weight loss.

After I quit I gained quite a bit of weight. And its only increased through out the years. In March I decided I couldn't do it anymore. We had a cancer scare with my 14 year old daughter. Thank God it was benign but it after it hit me that my baby could have possibly died. And all she would know is a overweight mom so heavy she hardly got off the couch, and never did family type stuff because she couldn't walk for long periods.

Since then I've lost 41 lbs. Healthy. Even though my husband and kids defend that I've been doing it right, my bags I've had for years under my eyes have decreased dramaticly. My hair is healthy and shiny and still everyone thinks I'm back on meth.

I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. Not so much that they think I'm on meth cuz screw them. I know the truth and the hubby and kids do too. But what upsets me is that I've worked my *kitten* of. Literally lol. And to be accused of drugs when I've worked so hard is upsetting. I deserve a pat on the back not accusations because of 10+ years ago.

Anyone experience this? How do I make it not bug me? Or how do I convince them? Half of me doesn't care what they think. But the other half does.


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Stay strong and tell them all about MFP. Then show them your log over the last two weeks and go on and on about how good you feel. Do this each time they suggest you are back on meth and I promise they will stop.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    The accusation is actually pretty standard, although not usually on drugs. People want to think there is a quick fix for weight loss. It is possible that they are jealous or can't imagine that it you could achieve what you did without some external help.

    Since you were a user in the past, long past, they are using that as the only reason you could possibly lose weight. Telling them you did it through diet and exercise and putting energy into your health, no not possible, so in your case Meth.

    I am can not get the extra weight off, but I workout and am healthy. I tell people I went to gym or I am going, the answer is "I need to do that too". It is rarely, hey that's great or good job. It is the one thing that no matter who it is (except gym rats) they always get jealous or need to talk about how they should be..... If you lose weight, its all how did you do it "eating healthy and working out" and they are like "no seriously, where is the magic pill and please share with me".

    In the end, keep taking care of you because that is what really matters.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    If your history and past has been drug involved, why do you blame them for thinking that. Ya know how many times addict's families hear "No, I am not on drugs" just to find out it's not true. Well, I'm sure you do.
    Congratulations on getting clean. But don't expect everyone to believe you just because you say so. Either give it time to prove what you say it's right, or don't bother with what they think.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Heck, people have a lot of trouble with others losing weight even when there is no shady background. It's called jealousy, angst, projection.

    If anyone dares to suggest your loss is drug related, I'd be inclined to say, "You're wrong! This weight loss is all mine, baby! And boy, was it hard!"

    Or nothing at all. Some people don't deserve an answer.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    well done on your weight loss
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    You're great. Toughen up.

    Nothing you say will matter. Keep going. Folks will eventually come around. Eventually.
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Tell them to join MFP so they can see your diary. It might be good for all concerned.
  • lydia4462
    lydia4462 Posts: 19 Member
    You might not be so bothered by the negative comments if you focus on your recent hard work and successes. Hold your head up high for being clean. Take pride in all the weight you lost. Show confidence in your strong body. Be grateful for your health. Forgive yourself for past mistakes...they shape who we are. Carry yourself with confidence because the people who matter most, your husband and children, believe in you.

    Also, the NN's might have their own scars from your past they need to work on. Fear, anger, jealousy, etc. Those problems belong to them!!!
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    First off - congratulations on getting and staying sober, as well as your weight loss and getting healthy. YOU ARE AWESOME!!

    Second - You did this for you and your family. It sounds like they are supportive and that is wonderful. I agree with other posters on this thread that because of your past drug use, others remember this and you will probably spend most of the rest of your life regaining their trust and proving them wrong. This comes with the territory (my brother has substance abuse issues). If anyone asks or makes negative comments, say something like "I know I've made some terrible choices in the past, but I've changed and am focused on making healthy choices for me and my family. I feel better than I've ever felt, and it's not chemically enhanced" or something to that affect. Then you know you've done all that you can.

    Keep up the great work!!
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Good job kicking the meth habit and losing the weight! If you are strong enough to achieve these two monumental goals, I would think you would be strong enough to not give a flying F about what others think about how you did it. I feel that if you continue to "walk the walk" in front of these people, i.e., eat healthy, exercise, log here, etc. that in time they will realize that your successes have been and will continue to be due to your strength and determination. Don't let what others think take any of that from you. You rock! You did this!
  • _NicLovin_
    _NicLovin_ Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats on your sobriety and your healthy weight loss! Way to rock that! I have no solution, just encouragement. Hang in there. Continue to accept yourself as you are, and embrace all the positive changes you've made. You do you. Much love for you hard work. <3
  • Bradley_J84
    Bradley_J84 Posts: 110 Member
    40 lbs since march and they think it's meth? Are they retarded???