Hi, I'm Alex.

neoatari Posts: 6 Member
I've struggled with my weight for quite some time. I have awful discipline in life and especially when it comes to diet and exercise... But just yesterday I saw a picture of myself and I was disgusting.

See, I spiraled out of control and have reached 350 pounds. It's become a vicious cycle. I get sad about my weight and sadness causes me to want to eat. Something good happens and I deal with happiness by eating. I'm trying to break that habit...and I honestly don't believe in my ability to do it...but I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn't at least try.

Whew...sorry for the diatribe. How is everyone?


  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Hiya Alex. I'm doing alright!
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    Welcome to the group-lots of great info and people here :)
  • neoatari
    neoatari Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm going to try to involve myself more in the community this go around. I think it might help my motivation.
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Alex! I've certainly been finding that making friends on here is keeping me accountable.
    Good luck on your journey :)
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Hi Alex, don't get discouraged just take it one day at a time and make small changes as you go.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey Alex welcome, just logging your food and exercise helps a lot, even making small changes like walking for 20 mins per day or cutting sugary drinks makes a difference, I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey :)
  • Dinger2017
    Dinger2017 Posts: 9 Member
    Finds some pals and run with it! The support here is awesome, and accountability is SUCH a game changer when it comes to losing weight! Good luck!
  • whb2015
    whb2015 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome! Consistency is what I am striving for this time around. You can do it!
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Good for you making a change Alex! But don't be down on yourself, none of us is disgusting. Yes I got overweight and I had (have!) a tendency to overeat but that's a problematic behaviour that I'm working on. It doesn't make me lazy, gross or bad. Be positive, don't beat yourself up if you slip up and don't let one meal/binge push you off course. Log everything, be it over or under calorie allowance. Make friends, post questions! Welcome to MFP and good luck!!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Hi Alex, Kelly here... I too was an emotional eater who suffers from chronic pain due to herniated disc in my neck and lower back. I ate when I was happy, I ate when I was sad, when I was bored or too busy, I ate when I was in pain and that was pretty much every minute of the day. I have been on a diet many many times, lose some gain it all back. Disapline??? What is that??? First and foremost, welcome to MFP, you have taken the first step in a successful lifestyle change. Take it one day at a time. Seriously when I started this change of lifestyle back in November I had the best intentions but in the back of mine mind didn't really believe I would stick to it. So I took it one day at a time. Started off logging all my food daily, changed the what I was eating. I did it one thing at a time, then the next week I added something else until I was eating primarily plant based, lean protein and drinking half my weight in water daily. (no food is off limits when you are trying to lose weight, I was having cholesterol issues so I was given a meal plan by my nutritionist and worked my food in from there) Once I got my mind right with food I incorporated exercise. Started off walking during lunch at work, then adding more blocks in and picking up the pace. Then I added an exercise class in weekly and did the same with that and eventually added 3 more days in on top of the walking daily. Got myself fitbit and became psycho crazy competitive with this little piece of rubber :D I started meal prepping and pre logging my meals and well... 8 months later I am down 70lbs and 25lbs away from hitting my goal weight.

    it is totally over whelming when you have a lot of weight to lose. I can totally relate, literally take it one meal at a time. learn to be forgiving of yourself so that you can always move forward. Do not set unrealistic goals, do not restrict anything, eat within your calories and you will lose the weight. Good luck!! You can do this!!