Trying something new

I've been stuck for a few weeks at the same weight. No gain (I'm happy) but no loss (would like). I feel good and my body is toning up. My legs have never looked better, actually so I'm not trying to complain. I just would like to keep losing to reach my goal. I switch up my workouts and burns (anywhere from 400 - 800) during the week and I usually eat back some of my burned calories. I've been eating Breakfast, Lunch, a snack, and Dinner. I am going to try out 6 small meals a day, and see if that can get my metabolism going again. Have any of you gone through something similiar and tried this? Did it work? What are you're thoughts?


  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    What kind of exercises do you do? Do you do strength training?
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    i would recommend taking your measurements... 1 lb of muscle looks a LOT smaller than 1 lb of fat... google it and see the difference... so if you're toning up then ur muscles are building-- so maybe you gained 1 lb of muscle and lost 1 lb of fat so the scale shows no change, but if you took your measurements then u may see that you've lost inches :)
  • lmg1980
    lmg1980 Posts: 4
    I'm new to MFP but not to the dieting scene. I'm a lifetime member of WW for 10 yrs and I thing I do know it that you burn to many calories and don't replinsh your body will not loss weight.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I was stuck at my weight for 6 months. I work out 1-2 hours a day & stay around 1200-1500 calories with no weight loss. I tried this Jillian Micheal break the plateau and in one week I lost almost 2 pounds. Good Luck!
  • karenx30
    karenx30 Posts: 90
    I will definitely take my measurements!
    I do mainly cardio excercises: elliptical, treadmill, P90X cardio videos, kettlebell etc. I feel lost when it comes to strength training. My husband is big into lifting, but I feel like there is a communication barrier (go figure) He's into bulking up and I'm trying to lose. Does that make sense?
    I will look into the Jillian Michaels plateau thing too.

    Thanks Y'all!! :happy:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I will definitely take my measurements!
    I do mainly cardio excercises: elliptical, treadmill, P90X cardio videos, kettlebell etc. I feel lost when it comes to strength training. My husband is big into lifting, but I feel like there is a communication barrier (go figure) He's into bulking up and I'm trying to lose. Does that make sense?
    I will look into the Jillian Michaels plateau thing too.

    Thanks Y'all!! :happy:

    Weight training (lift heavy like a man) help you lose BIG time! Since you got the P90x, they have one of the best weight training. I actually skip their cardio and only do the strength training parts. If you feel lost, as your husband to help you get it right.

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