Getting back on track!

amlw17 Posts: 22 Member
Hi everyone,

Looking to get back on track after giving birth a month ago! I was overweight before pregnancy and am currently at my heaviest ever at 233lbs!

I have a Fitbit arriving today and will be logging everything, hoping to get down to 150-160lbs. Also exclusively breastfeeding so have to be careful not to undereat for bubba. Tasking it slow and steady at 1lb a week.

Please add me if you want need all the help I can get!


  • MissTeriAnn
    MissTeriAnn Posts: 68 Member
    Congrats on your little one! My husband and I would like to have a baby but I'm a little over weight. I gained 50 pounds in a year so I need to get back to my normal weight and healthy life style
  • EnglishTeacherGirl
    EnglishTeacherGirl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there - congratulations on the birth of your baby! It's such an exciting time, so don't put too much pressure on yourself. Walking with a pram/stroller is brilliant exercise of course.
    Tell us some details about your new little one - and the best of luck with your weight loss journey.
    Penny xx