Struggling! Needing support

Hey all! I started my journey 800 days ago, according MFP counter, but in reality I've been struggling with my weight all my life.

My struggle is this:

I find myself stepping on the scale multiple times a day to make sure I haven't gained anymore weight and I'm sad because it's going to hinder my progress. Any advice would be awesome. Also, my backstory is below if you want to read it, I just figured I would cut right to the Chase.

A few months ago I got back on track and lost almost 10 pounds really quickly, but then I soon gained it all back in less than two weeks because I found myself stress eating a lot (family stuff, work stuff, personal stuff) and reaching for that glass of wine or extra Cheeto felt so much more satisfying than reaching for that carrot.

After a weekend of nothing but eating and drinking in Vegas on Monday I woke up determined to start eating right again and working out.

I'm hoping it'll stick this time because I'm currently at my heaviest and I didn't ever want to reach this point, but I also know that I didn't get here over night so I won't lose the weight over night


  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    No procrastination by contemplation. Start now
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Your weight will go up and down during the day and between days based on weather, hormones, what you've eaten or drunk, what you've eliminated, etc. Don't let these bounces on the scale drive you crazy. You can't contol them. What you can control is the overall trend. Use the report function to look at progress over the long term. It will look like a ball bouncing down uneven stairs. It takes a month or more to really see it but if you are controlling your calorie intake it will happen.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Keep in mind that fat loss can only happen at a rate of up to 1% of your total body weight per week. Daily fluctuations - and I mean fluctuations you can see when you weigh yourself under comparable circumstances, like first thing in the morning, after bathroom - are often bigger than that. When you weigh more often than once daily, you are just getting in a ton of useless noise - the weight of the food and fluids you just ingested.

    And get a better idea of "satisfying". Wine and Cheetos might be what you crave, but not necessarily what you need. I suggest you plan so that you have access to food you like that ALSO provides a good range of nutrition.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Step on the scale only once a day. Track the trend in an app like Happy Scale or Libra. Know that yourWeight naturally fluctuates day to day, and morning to night, so these apps average days together to show the overall trend.
  • FellyFabulous
    FellyFabulous Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks guys! I needed to read the different opinions / advice! Much appreciated.
  • Caralarma
    Caralarma Posts: 174 Member
    You shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week.. I made that mistake before and it's the worst thing you can do because weight can fluctuate based on time of day etc. choose a day -like Monday- and weigh yourself every week on that day at the same time :)
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I like to weight myself everyday but in your case I think once a week would be better. Everyone has ups and downs. The concern is that you are implying it was an obsession so only doing it once a week may be ideal

    As for Cheetos and wine what is wrong with them ? I do believe we should get the bulk of our nutrients from healthy nutritious food but I have wine 3-4 times a week . I just try to make sure I leave room for it in my daily allotment . It is about a lifestyle change not deprivation . Just ensure you are measuring and tracking honestly

  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    Work on developing different coping mechanisms. If you find you're a stress eater (or boredom eater) identify it and change your behaviors. Grab a book, go on a walk, workout, etc., rather than snacking.

    Stop weighing yourself all day every day. Look at overall trends in your progress over weeks rather than by day.

  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    When I was losing I liked to weigh every day, but at exactly the same time in my schedule. Multiple times a day is going to give you all kinds of junk data in the long term and clearly messes with your head. Also day to day is not the be all and end all, log the info daily but watch the overall trend over weeks.