Ready to start the boat!

Nothing long-winded, I'm just finally taking a moment to say hello, and to reach out to all the MFP users out there. I'm 6 pounds into my 35 to 40 pound goal, and I'm looking forward to having the energy and strength to enjoy "boating and shore" season this year. Waiting months for a broken foot to heal added fifteen pounds to my already overloaded frame, and I'm ready to see that 20-lb milestone happen in about two months. VAJohn27


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this!!!! Add me for support!
  • VAJohn27
    VAJohn27 Posts: 7 Member
    I've fallen off of the MFP site for (wow, it's been a while!) a few years, but I've been working on my health issues all along. I've also been working on a house we bought and then partially gutted for a major remodel. I did all of that work myself. That effort resulted in NO boating in 2015, but we managed several outings in 2016. The 2017 boat season has been great so far, with a month or more left to go. I've been battling pre-diabetes, and get my latest A1C results in a day or two. I've actually met my weight loss goal of 40 pounds, after 2.5 years of my "five pounds, level off, then five more" strategy, and can thank MFP for giving me the initial tools to do this. I did gain several (6-8) pounds back at one point (remodel complete, I rediscovered relaxation!) and leveled off at that weight for a long time (a year?), then the pre-D blood test result got me back on track early this year. I'll have to watch out for cooler, less sweaty and less active weather this fall and winter, but I think I'll be okay.
  • artbyrachelh
    artbyrachelh Posts: 338 Member
    Wow what a great story! Wonderful job losing your goal weight! I hope your health continues to improve and you can enjoy a warm fall with more boating!