Knee Problems

sweetestangel20 Posts: 2
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
A few years back (its been about 7 years now) I had ACL surgery on my knee, and everything was okay. Then last year after a completely clumsy move on my part, I ended up falling down landing on both knees and after going to the doctor was told that I had just overextended my knee and had a bit of arthritous in it, I was also told that if it was still hurting to come back and get a MRI. It was hurting but not that bad and most definately not bad enough to have to pay tons of money to get a MRI done (I have no insurance).

It hasnt been bothering me until recently. I have been going out and walking just to get a little more exercise in. I noticed though that going up and down stairs my knee pops loud enough to be heard, and it has just been really sore in general. I work at a daycare, so most of the time I will sit on the floor (haha live bait for 2 year olds) so I wont be just on my feet all day long. Usually Ill ice my knee in the evenings.

My question is, would it be better to just get a knee brace and just continue to ice it in the evenings after walking, or just cut the evening walks out all together?


  • I have had a very similar situation to yours. I had my ACL replaced with my patelar tendon ten years ago. Then, one day as I was just walking down my driveway, I felt a pop in my knee. I couldn't even put weight on it. After hobbling around a bit, I did get a knee brace, but it really didn't seem to make much difference. For some reaosn, I decided to wait to see if it would clear up for a few days before seeing a doctor. I finally made an appointment for three days out. About a day before the appointment, I was carrying my daughter and hobbling her to her room when I felt a very similar pop, and suddenly I could walk fine again.

    The doctor said I had arthritis and just needed to practice icing and heating techniques. I'm not quite sure it was only that, but I can say knee braces seem to do no good. I would also recommend that you see the doctor sooner rather than later, so they can check out the issue before it gets worse or goes away.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi, i had an ACL/Menicus repair back in March. my knee is recovering but still sensitive. I strongly suggest checking with ur doctor before using any type of brace. They will recommend the best style if you need one. good luck!
  • mdora3
    mdora3 Posts: 2
    I have knee problems too. I have a bit of arthritis in both knees & patellar femoral syndrome in both knees. I have been told by the doctors that the best thing I can do is keep my legs strong. Walking is supposed to be really good for arthritic knees-- the physical therapist told me the best thing is to keep moving & just take it easier on the days I have swelling & pain. I always ice both knees after a workout.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    We are not doctors. I think you should go get it checked. Just to be sure.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I am just about 80% recovered from a broken leg (spiral compressed fractures to both tibia and fibula) and a meniscus tear. Had surgery to have rods inserted in leg bones.

    Over the last 2 weeks I just got off crutches and I use the treadmill at rehab and yes, my leg / knee hurts after 2hr sessions at PT ... I immediately get iced down to relieve both pain and inflammation.

    So.. bottom line ... don't stop walking... just use ice after wards. Now if you still have problems I also suggest seeing a doctor!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I bought an eliptical trainer today, tried it out and bloody hell it really hurts my right knee :(
  • Thank you to everyone who commented on my question! You guys rock!
  • twintea
    twintea Posts: 23 Member
    I agree check with your doctor and on a personal note - my mother just got out of HIP surgery on June 3rd - for MANY years she has suffered from severe knee pain caused by arthiritis. etc and did not want to go to doctors or listen to their recommendations.......finally when the pain was so bad she got opinions of 3 specialists and they all said the same thing that infact the pain in her knee was caused by her hip - she had a full HIP replacement surgery to relieve the pain in her knee....she has always been an avid walker and gardener.......and will turn 80 in Sept !!!! Today she walks without a cane and is pain free - ....HIP HIP HOORAY !!!!
  • MommyMP
    MommyMP Posts: 7
    Just to caveat what everyone else is saying, I am being seen by a physical therapist (for my shoulder though) and see lots of people in there for knee problems, and from my understanding it is good to do light walking so long as it doesn't hurt you and do the cold/hot compressions or ice it afterward. As far as the popping sound you here... that is the sound of a small chemical that is released between joints or other areas where two bones come together (such as the knee cap). It is the same thing as popping your knuckles. you hear it all the time because you do have arthritis there which is why we aren't supposed to pop our knuckles because it eventually leads to that. I know it is so easy for people to say "go see a doctor" but like you said, you have no insurance so it must be a hard decision. I have many friends that have knee issues similar to yours and typically the only ones that use the brace are the ones that find that helps. So you could try it and maybe it will work, everyone is different. Also there is a certain athletic tape that has some give to it (its black, not the creme colored tape) that will help support the muscles around your knee. I'm sure there are videos somewhere for how to apply it. One more thing I have heard that helps and makes a lot of sense is ensure you have the proper arch supports! I hope some of that helps, I know what it is like trying to recover from a pretty bad injury. Best of luck to you!
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