200 Sit-ups Program

airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
edited September 2017 in Challenges
Hi Guys,

Tomorrow I'll be starting the 200 Sit-ups Program!

This is a 6-week challenge which is aimed at training the body to be able to do 200 push-ups in a row.
The program can be found at http://twohundredsitups.com.

My initial sit-up count was 25.

If you want to join me in doing this challenge feel free to follow along :smile:

I'm also kicking off a number of other challenges in parallel to this, they can be found below:
100 Pushups Program ► http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10589898/100-push-ups-program
200 Squats Program ► http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10590187/200-squats-program
Half Marathon Training Program ► http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10590188/8-week-half-marathon-training-program

[post edited by MFP Mods]



  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 1 complete :smile:
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member
    It will hurt but I'm in!
  • tomcat941
    tomcat941 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in, I'll be doing all their other programs too :)
  • tomcat941
    tomcat941 Posts: 47 Member
    Okay, initial test was a measly 31 so i look forward to seeing this improve. Funnily enough, I also did the initial test for the lunges and got 135, so on two tests i've scored a fitness rank of 1 and then 5 haha.
  • kemip
    kemip Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! going to do my fitness test today for all three and then take it from there. Thanks for setting this up
  • marcieellis
    marcieellis Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in!
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    Glad to have you guys all onboard! I'll be doing my day 2 early tomorrow morning due to basketball tonight. How's everyone going so far?
  • Trendline15
    Trendline15 Posts: 48 Member
    I signed up for the 100 Pushups Challenge. I may try this one, too. I'd like to work on the Pull Ups Challenge also.
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    @Trendline15 welcome aboard!! The pull-ups challenge is one I reckon I'll start once I've finished the current programs. Let me know how you go with it until then
  • kquiles1
    kquiles1 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm sooo in for the 200 sit-ups and 100 push-up challenge!!! I haven't done 200 sit-ups in ages and just got in shape enough to do push-ups but I'm struggling! It will be interesting to see where these challenges take me!
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    How have you been doing @kquiles1? I'm finding the crunches to be the most difficult of the 3 training programs, my core needs a lot of work :/
  • michele2873
    michele2873 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm definitely in. Can only do about 30 sit ups before needing a break. I've met my weight loss goal (50 lbs gone), but now I need to focus on meeting some fitness goals. I'll be doing mine afternoons/evenings after work.
  • kquiles1
    kquiles1 Posts: 21 Member
    To start I just barely got 55 sit-ups in. Week 1 feels good, it's nice getting back to sit-ups.

    I decided to hold on the push-up challenge because I sprained my ankle a week in a half ago and I don't want to find out what pressure on it at the push-up angle feels like. But I'm sure it would not go very well because my max would be 1 proper push-up.
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    How's everyone going? Had to repeat W3D2 due to poor form on the last few sets! Almost broken the halfway mark :)
  • stevespeirs
    stevespeirs Posts: 2 Member
    Site has recently been redesigned, so should be a bit more user-friendly on mobile devices - http://twohundredsitups.com/
  • michele2873
    michele2873 Posts: 7 Member
    Site has recently been redesigned, so should be a bit more user-friendly on mobile devices - http://twohundredsitups.com/

    It looks awesome, very easy to navigate, thanks!