Weight Watcher Defector; MFP Joiner - Have Questions



  • vxCricketxv
    vxCricketxv Posts: 27 Member
    edited August 2017
    @thestoryofangelina No problem. It's the calories I would eat if I want to maintain my current weight. There are calculators galore on the internet as well as in these forums.


  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    I, too, no longer do WW. I hated tracking so I did their no counting plan which has had different names over the years....Core, Simply Filling. Loved the no tracking other than things not on their very extensive list. I have age going against me, plus two very bad knees so I get no exercise. I don't like paying for WW either. I eventually fell off the wagon. I travelled a lot and that was hard. I have a lot to lose, like you do, but I'll be happy with anything reasonable at my age. I started MFP earlier this week. It's been interesting. I still do not like tracking but I do find it an eye opener as to the calories in things. I've kept up my diary faithfully and am going to stick to it. As for drinking alcohol, I do that once a week. I entered some of the ones I normally have into my recipe tab and can easily add them to my diary now. Once again, total shock at what some of those added up to. We can do this! :)
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hi. I was morbidly obese for a long while. Now I'm 180lbs and still dropping. Took me a while to figure out that dieting doesn't work.

    I do morning cardio every day, and weight train 6 days a week (absolutely love it!).

    What does work is adjusting eating habits to be in a calorie deficit as an ongoing average (if your 300 calories below 6 days a week, and go over by 300 one day a week - you will still lose weight) to lose the fat.

    I eat, pretty much whatever I want (except dairy: allergy), but in moderation and I play with my diary if I want something special. I also make sure to hit specific micros/macros that are important to me. I'll just adjust the rest of my day to fit in something else and still stay in a deficit. This way I never feel deprived nor is there a desire to binge, I just adjust other foods (cut back on my potatoes so I can have some chips). So I never have a "cheat meal": if I want a burger & fries for dinner, I have a 4oz grilled chicken breast on mixed greens salad for breakfast, and a no-mayo tuna salad with cucumbers for lunch. Too often I've seen "cheat meals" turn into "cheat days", which can lead to a "cheat week". I'll even bump up my workouts to fit a meal in if it's going to be a lot of calories in one meal.

    Wishing you success, feel free to add me.
  • thestoryofangelina
    thestoryofangelina Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2017
    @VeronicaA76 - that is such solid advice and wow you are like my fitness role model! I am not wanting to do quite that much but wow good on you! I like that idea around turning the unhealthy want into a more healthy meal and that way it still feels like you are eating what you wanted but is better for you and probably tastes better too. Thanks!

    @b_lisieux - best of luck with your journey.

    @HeidiCooksSupper - thank you. While I wish the daily updates were a bit more friendly (social network like) I am much happier having a community like this of people who are full of knowledge!