1200 calories a day



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I'm 5'2" and comfortably do a 1200 net day once or twice a week, but a lot of my social life centers on food and drink and I don't want to give that up, plus I think it would take more discipline than I'm interested in using to stick to 1200 every day. Plus it's unnecessary! My TDEE less 20% is about 1900 right now, so on days I don't go out I range between 1200 and 1900 and it's all good, and I try not to go out more than twice a week. I actually have been losing almost 2 pounds a week this month averaging around 1900/day, but I've got a pretty decent amount to lose still (I'm ranging between 183-185 right now). I've been gradually reducing my average calories as I lose weight, but I don't intend to ever go as low as 1200.
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    Is there anyone who is losing weight who are surviving off of 1200 calories a day and when I say surviving I mean feeling full and satisfied .Also are you dropping two pounds a week from doing this ?

    I was definetley surviving on 1200 calories. I enjoyed the food I ate. Greek yogurts(chobani flips) honey roasted almonds,pecans. Banana smoothies with peanut butter. Fruit. When i excercised to a 20 minute strength training dvd by jillian Michaels I ate back half. I started walking my son to school and went up to lightly active. Started incorporating loooong walks,i dont include those in my diary. I use those calories to lose weight and leave room for error. I also am at a - 500 or more calories, for weight loss, ( i forget what thats called sorry) but its very much possible to survive and be satisfied on 1200 calories. I drink lots and lots of water and I eat ,alot if protein. I believe thatvis what has helped me lose ,10 lbs in 30 days. I feel great. Not stsrving or anything.
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    sdolan91 wrote: »
    I've been hitting around 1,100 calories a day, been dieting for 2 weeks, and have lost 3 pounds.
    Protein! I hit the gym in the morning and have a protein shake, and have protein for luch (eggs or chicken in my salad), and a veggie turkey/chicken, and rice for dinner. It keeps me full. :smile:

    Protein is definetley the winning factor i truly believe and live this. As a vegetarian on a unhealthy diet of too many sweets,I rarely ate protein. Nowww I eat protein shake in the mirning ,wheni walk i eat KIND bar, Clif bars, and the ThinkThin bars, 20 grams protein in one bar. They help sustain my 3 or 4 mile walks. And my weight has been coming off easily.
  • Nykkismommy21
    Nykkismommy21 Posts: 224 Member
    Eat more protein ,and walk, and drink water!! You can add me if you would like. I also leave my diary open.
  • Liftslikeagoddess
    Liftslikeagoddess Posts: 44 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm doing 1,200 cals per week have been for close to three weeks now. I'm doing just fine and I'm dropping a lot of weight.... some nights I feel a little hungry, but nothing like I need to eat or I'll faint.

    I have loads more energy than I did before, waking up a 6am and staying awake longer too. I guess it's finding what's right for your body and your needs. If I am hungry, I will eat.

    Right now, I'd struggle eating more than 1200 cals as I've not been hungry.

    In terms of dropping weight; it's all over the place. 13lbs in three weeks.. I'm guessing a lot of that was water weight. But, it's about finding what works for you :)
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    1200 calories a day and not feeling deprived depends on your body (size) and what you eat. If you eat very lean/low calorie protiens (mainly plain white fish or chicken), a ton of plain raw or lightly steamed vegetables and then just a cup of complex carbs (brown rice). That's a lot of food volume to hit 1200 calories a day. That's literally 6 meals a day of switching between 4oz chicken & 4oz cod, plus a cup or two (if leafy greens) of green, plain vegetables (raw or lightly steamed) and 2 of the meals with 1/2 cup brown rice.
  • subs2boom
    subs2boom Posts: 8 Member
    I have stayed under 1600 calories a day and have lost 22 lbs in the last 30 days. I am trying to follow a more "keto" diet approach keeping my carbs way low and protein way high. It kinda sucks but its working. Oh... I also have a lot of weight to lose which probably contributes to the loss. If you dont have much weight to lose it will probably be harder.