Trouble getting motivated

I'm having such a hard time getting started with this. I do good for a couple days and then terrible for 3 or 4. I just can't find the motivation I used to have when I would start a new diet. I know, I know "Lifestyle Change"! And boy is it ever a lifestyle change. It's really easy to say it's a lifestyle change for you but when no one around you is changing, it's really hard. Granted I do not have little ones around all the time, but my grandchildren come often enough that it gears up my sugar cravings pretty quick. Especially in the summer. Can you say more s'mores please?!? And one "diet" I look at says no carbs. One says carbs are fine. So confusing. I follow this food diary for the most part. I made my own chart with all of the categories on here, plus WW points plus another diet plan I had been on and try to incorporate it all together. Right now it's my organization that is lacking. Help! Motivate me Please!!!


  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    It sounds like you are making this way too hard. It's simple really. Eat food, eat at a reasonable deficit (which normally reasonable is a loss of 1lb/week), get some exercise, and not stress about the "Right" way to do it. There is no right way. Other than being under than calorie count each night. And I when I say "eat food", it means if it fits in those calories, eat it. So, if you are grandkids are coming, plan on saving calories for that s'more, or 2. Just weigh out the ingredients, log it and enjoy. I do that with beer/wine. It's that simple.

    Organization helps. Lists help. Food Prepping or planning ahead helps. I always say "Weight loss is way more mental that physical".

    My advice is to tell yourself to push through for 14 days. After 14 days it becomes habit. And after that it's much easier. And you feel so much better you don't want to go back.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    You're way overthinking this. Eat less. Log your calories. Move more if you want, but you don't need to for weight loss. Eat 1 s'more with your grandkids. There is no need to cut out certain food groups unless you have to for medical reasons.

    Motivation is a fickle *kitten* who will abandon you in a heartbeat. Don't rely on motivation to keep you going.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Sorry, no one can motivate you.

    Good news is that you really need little motivation. Motivation gets you started. After that it has a lot more to do with determination.

    I've lost 100+ lbs, the last 40 on WW. I'm prejudiced in favor of WW. But WW or not, pick a plan and do only that plan. I wouldn't bother with no carbs. Either count calories on MFP or WW points.

    You are making things too complicated. Simple is best. The fewer requirements your plan has the easier it is to do and stay with.

    Either way there's a learning curve. It gets easier after a while. When I started WW I was constantly calculating, looking up points and planning. Weigh and measure everything. I kept my food diary with paper and pen. I found the gadgets a hassle.

    Simplify what you're doing by picking a plan and start with your next meal. Good luck.