Loosing 50+ pounds and in need of friends!!

Hey everyone, I'm very new to this. I am a stay home mom, my son is almost a year and 6 months. I have been trying to lose weight on my own, with diet Zumba and lots of walking but I always give up and go back to my old ways, this time I refuse to give in. I'm currently 267 and looking to get down to about 200, so I really could use some very active and motivated friends. Let's fight this battle together!!!


  • sandycsuc7
    sandycsuc7 Posts: 2 Member
    My situation is about the same as yours. I'm married and have a 6 year old son and a 1 1/2 year old daughter. I'm looking to loose about 60+ lbs. I was working full time over the summer but I'm dropping down to part time in the fall. I didn't feel that I had the energy to start loosing the weight until about a year and a half after I had my daughter. But I have already lost 6 lbs and it is really motivating. How is your weight loss going?
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome... Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome to MFP, You can do this, All the best!! Feel free to add me.
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    Add me too! I'm actually going to be doing Zumba tomorrow to shred some extra water weight. I'm 211 lbs I use to be 242 when I started on here. What really gave me a kick-start to lose weight was Intermittent Fasting and exercise.
  • alisonwoodrow12
    alisonwoodrow12 Posts: 29 Member
    Please add me as a friend. :):)
  • lisadee9606
    lisadee9606 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me. New here and also have about 40- 50 pounds to loose
  • abstew04
    abstew04 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me. Got 100+ to lose. Always looking for more friends!
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I've lost well over 100 and have probably another 20-30 to go. I do both cardio and weight training. I don't believe in "diets", every one I have ever tried ended in failure. I had to change my lifestyle little by little, then the weight came off and is staying off.

    Feel free to add me. I know exactly how hard it can be at times. And how rewarding it is every time you see progress.
  • kateetak207
    kateetak207 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, I'm a single stay of home parent and my daughter is 17 months old. I've lost 21lb so far in 4 weeks but still need to lose 50-60lb. It's so hard to find time to exercise so i have to get my mum to watch my daughter so I can do some. Or we just go for a nice long walk with our dog. Feel free to add me X
  • mgoodmundson
    mgoodmundson Posts: 1 Member
    Hey im brand new here and also have a big goal for weight loss. Im 41 female in virginia and want to connect with friends on here too!
  • DonnaAnn64
    DonnaAnn64 Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me.. I have 40-50 lbs to lose also.
  • Denali1118
    Denali1118 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a full-time doctoral student and I work 20 hours a week at the university. Although I was already overweight when I started my program, I have continued to gain weight and have become more sedentary. I am starting with the goal of losing 50 lbs. I would love to provide and receive support from others who are in the same boat. Please feel free to add me!