Pretty Fresh dad on the lose weight quest!

Hello everyone!

I'm an happy French father of a wonderful Daughter called Ambre.

So life has changed much, from my daily 30km cycling routine, to baby activities :)

In the way I gained a good 10-15kg and I am now working on getting back in good shape.

What are your tips for doing workout with young children? - 16 months here - we are doing walk here with baby backpack, cycling ( slow) with a baby weeride seat and I try to walk as much as possible instead of using the train or bus.

Am I going to lose this belly? Would I be back to normal soon, even better? Is the 30s years the best moment to start having a better diet?

So much questions :)


  • malkaille
    malkaille Posts: 2 Member
    If there is any user of Samsung health would you add me as a friend here? I am also an endomondo enthusiast.
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,571 Member
    Hi. If you used to be very physically active before, but are less now, then you may need to lower your calorie intake in order to lose weight. It is about the calorie balance. Most people lose weight first, then worry about body recomposition later.
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    You could do yoga and calisthenics and incorporate her into your workout. Push-ups with some extra weight on your back. ;) Do sit ups and give her a high five every time you come up.
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    Any time is a good time to switch your diet. You want your daughter to eat a balanced diet of Whole Foods anyway. It takes a bit more time to slice up fruit etc. but there is no reason for kids to chow on tons of goldfish crackers and white flour. It does get harder keeping teen boys fed this way - but so worth it!
  • ManBehindTheMask
    ManBehindTheMask Posts: 615 Member
    Surely you can find an hour in your day to workout without the child being with you?

    If you want to lose weight, a calorie deficit is all that's needed, whether that be created by diet, exercise or both
  • hazel4ya
    hazel4ya Posts: 5 Member
    I was in your same shoes almost a year ago. However, I gained way more. What helped me was buying a stroller I could run with, changed my diet up (include more veggies and fruits), and stayed consistent. You got this!!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Can you push her in a stroller and run/walk? Or trade with your partner--they watch the baby while you work out and then you do the same for them.

    Many gyms here in the states have day care, could that be an option for you? Or perhaps a babysitter?

    All the exercise ideas aside, you weight loss will come from eating less. The best advice is to use a digital food scale to measure all solids (including pre-packages ones like frozen meals, bars, bread and eggs) and measuring cups and spoons for liquids. Be sure to match the label of the food with the entry in the database to ensure accuracy.