Positive people in my corner

Hey, everyone been working out for awhile which really is not a problem for me. My problem is sticking to the proper diet. I know I am not the only one so just looking for some positive support, suggestions maybe recipes and whatnot. Also I'm in the Phoenix area if any takers on a workout buddy.


  • susanayt97
    susanayt97 Posts: 309 Member
    Same! But as long as I don't eat chocolate or chips I'm good. I still have desserts and junk food, but I don't really crave it if I don't eat the food mentioned above.
  • Deeaygee45
    Deeaygee45 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah I need to just get past the initial month or so and I'll be good it just takes discipline. Sometimes I wish I was a Kardashian so I could just workout travel hire a personal chef and be ridiculous all the time.
  • susanayt97
    susanayt97 Posts: 309 Member
    Sorry, can't relate, being a Kardashian sounds very unappealing haha
    It gets easier if you like to cook. You'll find so many cool recipes and learn about food, I love it!
  • Deeaygee45
    Deeaygee45 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah I'm definitely getting better at cooking I've come along way haha
  • juanitarochelle2014
    Too bad u didn't live in Cali.. would be nice to have a workout buddy :)