Tired of being fat!

Hi everyone! My name is Deanna, I live in NC with my wonderful husband and 2 amazing little boys. Paxton is 7 and Tyler, who will soon be 6. Since Tyler was born, I've had a really hard struggle with my weight. I hit a lifetime high of 239 lbs. and decided something had to change. I'm currently at 210 but I have a long way to go to reach my goal of 160. I joined the site a few days ago and it has given me some new inspiration. Thanks to all who make it possible and thanks to all the members for sharing your journey.


  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Hello, and welcome. Already we have a few things in common :wink: please feel free to add me if you like, and very best of luck in your journey :drinker:
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    keep it up. I have been here for a year almost. I am always inspired. sometimes not even in the weight loss side. but just to do something.
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I have two little kids too and am working on losing the baby weight. Feel free to add me!
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    hello and welcome! you're doing something about it now, that's the first step. just take it one day/step at a time
  • PinkDeeAnna
    I completely know what you are talking about! I was 160 lbs when I married my husband (2nd) and guess I got comfortable and seem to keep putting on the lbs a lil every year. Then I had an accident a year and 1/2 ago and had to have surgery on my foot. That made me not be able to do the exercise like I used to so I put on more weight but faster, because I didn't change my eating habits! I was told about this website about a month ago and it has been wonderful! I weighed 225 when I started a diet and it was basically a starvation diet, then went to this lifestyle 2 days later and now almost a month later I have lost 14 lbs all together. I weigh myself every Monday morning so I am hoping that I will have lost some more. I stick with this faithfully and log everything I eat!! Good luck on your journey! You can add me as a friend for encouragement!
  • midwesthiker
    midwesthiker Posts: 144
    Don't look at it as a long way to go. I started at 200 and am over halfway to my goal. I never thought I would get to where I am at.

    Just keep logging - it really helps keep you in line. Good luck, you can add me as a friend if you want to.