Help please. What can I do to make this better?

ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
edited August 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm totally miserable here and what I'm doing is showing so little results (not even NSV's) that I just want to cry. I have to rejigger things or just give up on weight loss. I would like help with reworking this.

5ft 3.5 inches. 53 years old.
SW 195, CW 175, GW: 130 to 145

Dieting since April. Discounting initial diet whoosh (of probably water) weight I'm losing about 2- 3 pounds a month.

Eating 1100 to 1400 calories a day - (exception for bodyweight workout days when I allow extra 150 for additional protein shake)

Exercise: Swim 3-4 x a week - 3 to 5 miles per week. Bodyweight (YAYOG- body by you) 2 or 3 x a week. Some additional cardio stuff most days (aquafit class, exercycle while watching TV, go for long walk, ride bike to store, etc. )

I'm miserable, hungry, and feel like I have 0 endurance (except in the water where I do feel energized and can swim for an hour or more easy.). (What I mean by 0 endurance - I'm totally wiped out by 15 minute 1.6 mile bike ride - often have to walk the last two blocks home).

I'm aiming for 140g protein a day (which means 2 or 3 protein powder shakes) because it is my understanding that to preserve my muscle while losing I should aim for 1g protein per 1 pnd ideal weight. That makes protein 40% my macros - carbs and fat fluctuate. So 300 to 450 calories for protein shakes leave me with only about 800 to 950 calories a day for food. Forget going out to dinner with friends!

Except for an extra protein powder shake on bodyweight days I do not eat back exercise calories.

I despise the bodyweight stuff but understand and accept that my health as an aging woman requires me to keep it up. Fine. I am totally loving the swimming - no desire to ever stop that. The other cardio is mostly for my mental state - I feel so bad about myself when I exceed the 1100 calories and eat closer to the 1400 that knowing I put in time on the exercise bike helps me to not mentally beat myself up.

Yes I measure/weigh. If I have to estimate (not often) I always make my best calorie guess and enter 1.5 times my best guess. I don't crave sugar, I'm not about to binge on anything. I'm just never not hungry (except for 1/2 hour after I have a protein powder shake) and I'm tired a lot and my energy level craters after about 15 minutes of activity.

Yes people tell me 'Oh it is great you are losing so slow, it will be easy to keep off'. I wish that helped- but I still look awful, wear the same size ( yeah it isn't as tight) and frankly it doesn't seem worthwhile to continue to try to lose weight. I thought in almost one half year - at minimal food intake and going from couch potato to 7 days a week of at least one hour exercising per day - I sure thought I'd see A *kitten* of a lot more progress than this.

So, ideas anyone? Am I missing something, doing something wrong? Because unless I come up with a new approach I'm about to pull the plug and say fine, I'm just going to be the healthiest I can be at this weight and move to maintenance and stop torturing myself. (I mean after 6 weeks and 20 or so bike rides I shouldn't still have to walk the last two blocks because I'm afraid I'll pass out and my legs are rubber.) Oh yeah. Recently saw Dr. Blood work fine. Keep up the good work (weight loss) she said.

Yeah I hate how fat and sloppy my appearance is, but it's not getting any noticeably better and I'm miserable - I don't think I have it in me to keep doing this to myself.


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    MFP suggested for me 20% of my calories from protein, 30% fats and 50% carbs. Maybe you could try something closer to that and see how you feel and eat more food instead of protein shakes.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    As to why protein powder: with so few calories to a day, I could not come up with anyway to meet a 140 G protein goal except a chicken breast 4 times a day or protein shakes. In April and May I must have had hundreds of chicken breasts, I'm still burned out on them. I'm allergic to eggs, red meat ( which I love) usually has too much fat and comparatively too little protein to be able have too often and quite honestly most every other protein source I don't like much and comes with way more calories than a protein powder shake (150 Cal for 35 G protein) . I was just trying to reach the protein goal as easy as I could and save as many calories as possible.

    Disappointing but expected: It looks like the biggest consensus here is I should try to go to 1400-1500 calories a day (but that is what I'm estimating is my maintenance anyway) and dial back the protein. I guess that is the way to go - maintenance with lower protein (since that should not be a caloric deficit I don't suppose I'll need to have as much protein). It won't help weight loss, I don't think - but hopefully will fix other *kitten*.

    I know you cant tell, but my logging is actually tight - estimates are always on the high side. I just don't carry a scale to restaurants and friends houses - and I'm never going to do so.

    Again, thank you.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    Eat less protein and more carbs and fats. The carbs will give you energy for your activities and the fats may be more satiating. Honestly, you'd probably be fine cutting your protein goal in half.

    Your rate of weight loss sounds about ideal, but if switching your macros around doesn't help you feel satiated, by all means eat more and aim for 1-2 pounds loss/month. There's no need to hurry. :smile: Instead of focusing so much on weight, try making some strength and endurance goals to work toward and celebrate.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Do what @GottaBurnEmAll says, to the letter of precision, and you'll both feel better and get better results in your efforts.
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    I agree with others about eating real food instead of drinking protein shakes.

    I have hypothyroidism, and when my thyroid levels are off, I am tired all the time. You mentioned that your blood work came back normal. I suggest that you ask your doctor for the specific levels of TSH, T3 and T4. It seems from the reading that I have done and my own personal experience, that what is considered a normal TSH level might not be optimal for the individual.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    As to why protein powder: with so few calories to a day, I could not come up with anyway to meet a 140 G protein goal except a chicken breast 4 times a day or protein shakes. In April and May I must have had hundreds of chicken breasts, I'm still burned out on them. I'm allergic to eggs, red meat ( which I love) usually has too much fat and comparatively too little protein to be able have too often and quite honestly most every other protein source I don't like much and comes with way more calories than a protein powder shake (150 Cal for 35 G protein) . I was just trying to reach the protein goal as easy as I could and save as many calories as possible.

    Disappointing but expected: It looks like the biggest consensus here is I should try to go to 1400-1500 calories a day (but that is what I'm estimating is my maintenance anyway) and dial back the protein. I guess that is the way to go - maintenance with lower protein (since that should not be a caloric deficit I don't suppose I'll need to have as much protein). It won't help weight loss, I don't think - but hopefully will fix other *kitten*.

    I know you cant tell, but my logging is actually tight - estimates are always on the high side. I just don't carry a scale to restaurants and friends houses - and I'm never going to do so.

    Again, thank you.

    You said you estimate that your maintenance at 1400-1500, what do you base that on? Based on what info you gave in your OP, I plugged your stats into an online calculator and it gave 1400-1794cal a day to lose weight, 2243cal a day to maintain. So it's possible that you could be eating more (and again, with all that activity you probably should be eating more). What did MFP give you when you signed up and what did you have your weight loss set to?
  • susanofarrell
    susanofarrell Posts: 30 Member
    No ideas, just love
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I switched to protein shakes for breakfast and discovered that they just weren't enough "something" to power me through my morning three mile runs. I'm back to eating solid food! I also upped my daily calorie budget by 200 calories and that's helped, too. Hope that kind of switch works for you. By the way, congrats on losing 20 pounds!
  • CharGillott
    CharGillott Posts: 56 Member
    Try more fiber. Not to much at a time.I have a low metabolism. I finally found magnesium supplements work well for me. Do eat often. Some of us needs fuel more often than others.I try never to Let myself get hungry. I have a sweet tooth so I get akins indulge bars. I think you may be eating to little for you. I am loosing weight slower than most. Listening to your own body will help you most. Do not go hungry. Have you had a diabetic test. Sugar spikes can mess with you bad.Best luck. Hang in there
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    To determine maintenance I used - 140 pounds (middle of my goal weight range) and checked TDEE on a couple of online calculators - they came in close to 1450. I know I'm exercising on top of that, not to mention that is my Goal weight, not my actual weight, but as I understood it those are just estimators anyway. Different people have different actual metabolisms, movement during the day, etc. and will not have the exact TDEE those calculators say.

    So I figured since I can't seem to lose much weight at all on the deficit I've been running that my actual TDEE must be lower than the generic estimates from those websites. My goal weight recommendation TDEE from those calculators sounded like a good conservative place to start maintenance and see if in a month I had actually maintained/lost/gained - especially because any loss or gain would likely be minimal over a month or two. Then adjust for my particular body.

    Was that the wrong way to calculate maintenance?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,939 Member
    650 g tub of Yoplait 0% sucralose sweetened fruit flavoured yogurt is 228 Cal and 26g protein. 3-5g of Hershey unsweetened chocolate powder balances it out by adding some fat and fiber and reducing the apparent sweetness.

    A lb of liquid egg whites is close to the same calories with 46g of protein. Finish covered in a pan or in the oven over shredded (slaw style) veggies and some strong flavor meat, fish, or fowl if you feel the desire....

    Think outside the box!