Anyone else doing the wedding shredding?

I've struggled with my weight for years. I'd lose it and gain it back like no weight loss ever occurred. Now I'm getting married. I bought my dress and it's beautiful but I'd like to look and feel my best and get back on track with my healthy eating habits.
I feel the added wedding stress and that just doesn't help with the weight loss as I know I stress eat. Anyway, just looking for people who are going through similar situations and maybe we can get each other down the aisle and lose some weight along the way!


  • Nbaker0909
    Nbaker0909 Posts: 102 Member
    I know how you feel. I loved how I looked in my wedding dress when I bought it. But I also knew I wasn't where I wanted to be weight wise. I'm getting married in 12 days and I just picked up my dress from the seamstress 2 days ago. I lost a total of about 34 pounds so my dress needed LOTS of alterations. It looks beautiful now, BUT I definitely bloat super easily and the extra water weight makes my chest look ridiculous in my dress. Soo for the next 11 days I'm going to be watching my sodium intake for sure. Feel free to add me, I'd love to help another bride stay motivated!
  • bonshont
    bonshont Posts: 20 Member
    I'm getting married in 11 weeks & I definitely need some support. I was of the opinion 'I have loads of time' but I don't anymore. I have lost 19 pounds so far, my dress is loose on me but it is a very vintage fitted style so I want it to be so figure hugging on me. 11 pounds until I hit 130 which is the weight I feel is most comfortable and makes ' me feel like me'.
    Biggest stress so far is people not RSVPing! :D
  • CheekieM0nkey
    CheekieM0nkey Posts: 21 Member
    December 2017 bride here! Always looking for friends, brides or other wise!
  • princessjenn1804
    princessjenn1804 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this! Thanks everyone it's good to have support as we go through this. We all got it!
  • saranoelle86
    saranoelle86 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat! I'm going dress shopping on Saturday and I do not feel comfortable with how my body looks right now. My wedding is in June and I want to be realistic. I'm taking it 5 lbs at a time!

    I'm trying to cut down on added sugars and focus on cardio at the gym. I'm definitely open to giving and receiving advice/support.
  • nfarishta786
    nfarishta786 Posts: 4 Member
    May 2018 here, but we're doing our civil ceremony in Feb 2018 and I want to feel good about myself before going dress shopping! I was on MFP before and lost 25-30 lbs, was 1lb away from my goal weight for FOREVER before I stopped and started gaining. Gained back about half of what I'd lost, so I'm starting again with a goal of losing and maintaining after -10/15 lbs. Also taking it slow (although 5lbs a month doesn't feel slow to me as the most I can do realistically is a lb or less a week!)
  • vickstercarr1
    vickstercarr1 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one...We get married in August 2018 in Rhodes and I need to get motivated but no idea where to start. I've not even started looking at dresses yet as I'd like to loose weight and get toned... ! Also with friends and family away with us..I don't want to look like a beached whale on the beach in my bikini!
  • Erica0021
    Erica0021 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm getting married next year and I know exactly what you mean I've lost weight and gained it right back but now I have the motivation to look and feel my best on my wedding day! Congratulations and good luck!! :)
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    edited August 2017
    My wedding is a month from today. It hasn't been going very well :(

    I've been trying to lose weight ALL summer and have lost like 6 pounds.
  • ElevenXXVIII
    ElevenXXVIII Posts: 2 Member
    I am getting married in April 2018. I already have a dress but it is a size too small. It fits, but I can't sit comfortable. I keep thinking I have time, but I really only have like 7 months! I was already trying to lose weight before I even got engaged and have lost 40 pounds in the last 2 years. I would love to lose around 20 more pounds..

    If anyone in this thread wants to add me as a friend, feel free! I could use a little accountability.
  • emmasjones721
    emmasjones721 Posts: 20 Member
    My wedding is August 2018 and I have about 40 (ish) lbs left to lose. Any fellow brides to be wana add me feel free!!
  • caitlinmimi
    caitlinmimi Posts: 9 Member
    Yes!! Recently engaged and set the date for August 2018. I've been on MFP since beginning of the year but have fallen off the wagon the last month (engagement celebrations don't help!). Having a set date will be a good motivation to get back into it. All feel free to add me!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I'm getting married September 2018! I'm so excited and just want to look my absolute best on the day. I added a few of you but I could always use more bride (or groom!) friends.
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    I'm getting married June 2018.

    I'm anxious as all hell, because while my future husband looks amazing, I...don't think I'll ever be able to look at the photo album if I go through with it looking like I do now. I hate the way I look. And it's terrifying, because the stakes for failure are so high - either I succeed at getting in better shape, or my appearance ruins one of the biggest events of my life? :#

    I'm trying to use it as positive motivation, though. Any of you are welcome to add me!
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    Not wedding, but 20th wedding anniversary. Set a goal on July 4th to lose 20 lbs with a stretch goal if 25 lbs by 9/13. With three days to go I have 0.2 lbs to lose to hit the stretch goal if 25. I still will need to lose another 30, so the journey is far from over, but setting a proximal goal tied to the anniversary sure has helped. I wish you the best on your journey.