Great Site!!

My name is Chrystal and I need to lose around 154lbs, I know I can do it, I know all it takes is consistancy and healthy choices, however I haven't cared about consistancy and healthy choices in the last 10 years and have just steadily been putting on weight. My friend and roomate has a need to lose weight for medical reasons, and it got me to thinking that maybe we should do it together since I don't want to have to do it for medical reasons in the future, why not start now to avoid health complications, right?
There's no denying that I'm a big chick, but I embraced it more then was embarrassed about it, I was honest about it and didn't really care what others thought - but now, being seperated and having been single for the past 3 years I think it's time to do something for myself and start fresh, and get healthy and sexy!!
Found this site by accident when looking up the amount of calories in an avacado, lol, and it's fabulous so decided to join and start tracking my weight loss, and hopefully get some tips, and encouragment from others like me!! =D
