Workout Plan Whilst at the Gym


I've been going to the gym for the past 2 and a half months now alongside using MFP to track my calories.
I've managed to lose 2 stone in that time and gained a tiny bit of muscle (I didn't have anything to start with!!!).
When I started I just went with friends and they showed me some machines, since then I've worked up to the following:
20 mins - 1 hour treadmill: normally around 30mins and running at 7.5-8mph (can only handle 15mins at 8mph at the moment cause I'm still pretty unfit).
Then I do a few weights, I do 5 sets of 10 for everything but the shoulder press (because I can't do 10 of those) so do 20 sets of 5 of those.
Shoulder Press 100lbs
Leg Press 175lbs
Chest Press 110lbs
Abdominal 90lbs
Seated Row 100lbs

I know these are awful numbers but at the moment my main goal is just to lose the weight and these have improved a lot from where I started from in June (currently 11 Stone 13 Pounds at 5'5").

As a rule I go 5 to six days a week and will use the treadmill every time, and try to get through all the machines above, if I go three days in a row I give the weights a rest and run for a lot longer instead.

Does this all seem ok, is there any other machines I should be using, I do keep looking over at the free weights but haven't had the balls to go over and have a crack.

I would be grateful for any advice as I'm still a total newbie to this really.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Free weights are much better. You can find a routine that suits you here:
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    What are you trying to accomplish? How many reps, what exercises etc depend on your goals. In general, I would suggest you separate cardio from strength training: some days focus on cardio, some days on strength. You cannot run for one hour and then strength train, and if you are serious about strenght training, you cannot have the energy to run for an hour afterwards.
    As for your training routine, the best for a beginner is to seek help from a trainer, or find a routine that is already tried.
    In general you want to work big muscle groups, which it looks like you are doing, possibly fitting any accessory lifts if you feel you need them. If you are more comfortable with machines, nothing wrong with it, people have good results with machines alone.
    Most people I know, me included, either go for 3 sets of anything from 8 to 12-15 reps (depending on progress plan) or for 5 sets of few reps, like 5. It depends on goals: strength, endurance, hypertrophy ? and what also suits your preferences.
  • clayelliott847
    clayelliott847 Posts: 125 Member
    check out for their excercise database. If you look at biceps, it will have 6 different excersize from freeweights to cables. they also have routines, but I found that hard to use because I had to tailor it my gym and time constraints.