Isn't it amazing how much you can eat, when it's the right s

I've been doing this for about two weeks now, and this is one of the key things I've noticed - when I eat properly (as in healthy food) I have to eat LOADS to meet my calorie requirements, particularly if I've exercised!

Today, I had oatbran porridge and strawberries for breakfast, crackers with salad, tuna mayo, and hummous for lunch, I'll be having chicken, spuds and veg for dinner and I had a solero ice lolly, and I've *still* got to find 500 cals from somewhere?? I don't feel at all hungry!

Does anyone else struggle to eat enough and what sort of things do you add in to make sure you are meeting your requirements?

Thanks in advance!!


  • PandaFlight
    I have days where I fill up on fruit/veg and I'm stuffed but couldn't find the room to eat anything else.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I find myself in the same boat, a lot....Especially when I have burned over 800 calories on the elliptical...Sometimes it seems like all I do is eat during the day and I still end up with calories left over...It's a great feeling... :flowerforyou:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't struggle to eat enough, per se, but I am amazed sometimes about how much I can pack away and still lose weight.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    I've just made my own chicken keiv's from scratch, made my own 'fat free' chips and had a stack of veg. And it's all 'free' on my plan.... Awesome.

    Later on I'll be having a nice yoghurt and some fruit. Marvellous.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I dont struggle to eat my measly 1200cals lol! but I do eat cleanish and I eat lots..... to the degree that I am now starting to wonder if I need to reduce my portions coz I do eat loads, massive salads loads of veggies and they gotta make my stomach stretch!!!!!!! So are big portions of low cal foods okay, I wonder??????
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I sometimes have trouble hitting the magic 1200. When there are lots of fruits & veg in the day, they don't add up very fast. If I need a boost, it's usually yogurt & fruit, almonds, a hard boiled egg, string cheese. Making sure I hit my protein goal is something I keep in mind.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    I too find that when ieat better foods I can eat more. I do not worry about eating all of my calories. I eat so that I am satisfied. If there are left over calories then better for my weight loss.

    My thing is geting those good foods in, the other night I wanted a snack and instead of having a hot dog I had a cup of cubed watermelon. I was very proud of myself for making the right choice!

  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member

    My thing is geting those good foods in, the other night I wanted a snack and instead of having a hot dog I had a cup of cubed watermelon. I was very proud of myself for making the right choice!


    Way to go! My husband was just eating a pack of Ramen Noodles for lunch and I wanted one, but (without actually checking) assumed that the sodium was high so I ate two carrots with a little bit of peanut butter instead. And while I was eating that, I watched him eat his Ramen and felt like I also made the tastier choice. Oh! And last night I was really hungry before bed but instead of eating the kind of snack I would usually crave, I ate an apple and it was very satisfying!
  • melissa2807
    melissa2807 Posts: 35 Member
    Well done on choosing the healthier snacks! I'm on my own at the minute as OH is away with work, but I am finding it much easier while he's not here - he always eats snacks or suggests things like pizza or take aways and it takes SOOOO much willpower not to just have the same! It's a great proud feeling when you resist though!

    Oh yoghurt I didn't think of that, I have a big tub of that in the fridge. Might have some later with blueberries!
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    I dont struggle to eat my measly 1200cals lol! but I do eat cleanish and I eat lots..... to the degree that I am now starting to wonder if I need to reduce my portions coz I do eat loads, massive salads loads of veggies and they gotta make my stomach stretch!!!!!!! So are big portions of low cal foods okay, I wonder??????
    I hear you !! THere's no struggle to get in 1200 calories. However, I will say that on the regular days its not that hard to stay within the 1200 ( I just reduced my cals to 1200 about a week ago due to falling off wagon and previous plateau) . Its just on the days that i add martinis that i have a wee bit of trouble (like yesterday)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I dont struggle to eat my measly 1200cals lol! but I do eat cleanish and I eat lots..... to the degree that I am now starting to wonder if I need to reduce my portions coz I do eat loads, massive salads loads of veggies and they gotta make my stomach stretch!!!!!!! So are big portions of low cal foods okay, I wonder??????
    I hear you !! THere's no struggle to get in 1200 calories. However, I will say that on the regular days its not that hard to stay within the 1200 ( I just reduced my cals to 1200 about a week ago due to falling off wagon and previous plateau) . Its just on the days that i add martinis that i have a wee bit of trouble (like yesterday)

    Oh yeah baby throw in booze n I need 2200 cals if I don't start grazing.... If I graze then limits I ditch them!!!!! Prob that is!