trying to lose 60 pounds a beginner

ejohn024 Posts: 33 Member
Iam new to losing weight and healthy eating and need some advice on how to start I been exercising and eating less weekends are the worst for me. any help would be great I feel like I am doing something wrong PLEASE PLEASE PLSEASE help me this been an trying year for me I went into deep depression and meds made me gain over 30-35 pounds so any help. I thought about apdex but I don't think that's a good idea


  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I exercise most days and try not to eat back the calories during the week so that if I go over on the weekend its not such a big blow to my progress. Walking is a great start for exercise even if its just a little bit here and there. I have Bipolar disorder and my medication made me gain weight and it took me a long time to find balance with my mental and physical self. I sent you a friend Request :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    If weekends are a problem, make a plan.

    Plan your meals and pre-log them.

    Make active plans for things to do. So instead of watching TV all day, go to a ball game outside, better yet - playy ball. :)

    Really it's about having a plan and trying to stick with it as much as life will let you. Of course some days will be a complete pig-out, but I try to make those days few and far between. Not every weekend.

    Good luck! Welcome to the site. :flowerforyou:
  • ejohn024
    ejohn024 Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2017
    thanks guys for the insight I don't watch tv ..........I just like food lbvs
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Hi, I'm not new to losing. I just lost my way, but now I'm back on track.
    Here's what helps me:
    Meal Prepping - for the most part, I know what I will be eating breakfast, lunch and snacks mon-fri.
    Downloading the App- the scanner ability makes logging super easy. Also the database is so broad it has most fast food restaurant nutritional info
    Get active - at least 30 minutes a day to start. Even if you have to break it up into 3- 10 increments
    Support - most of my support comes from here, sometimes friends and family aren't the support you need.
    Water, water, water - stop drinking calories
    Finally... I always tell new people. If dropping everything at once intimidates you. Take 2 bad habits (French fries and donuts) take 2 weeks and focus on getting through 2 weeks without them. The same for picking up the new habits (it can seem like do much to do at once). Find what's most easiest to to (logging food and walking 30 minutes a day) take 2 weeks and focus on these healthy habits.
    Feel free to friend me
  • ejohn024
    ejohn024 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank u
  • Legalee
    Legalee Posts: 7 Member
    I have tried every diet out there, almost 50yrs of dieting. I am now losing. Track everything you eat. See what you are eating, is it carbs, sugars? Track for a week - see when you snack - recording is a pain - but a week? If it helps you see patterns.
    I can't exercise, yet, but I am losing 2-3lbs per week. I use the food tracker here and put in what I am going to eat before I eat it.
  • Nabugi
    Nabugi Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    Calculate your TDEE and create a calorie deficit (if you haven't already). Prepare yourself mentally, that means stop thinking about food all the time. Drink only water. Cut down on your portions. Log your food every day, and every bite as well. You'd be surprised in the amount of calories that are in most foods. Make friends with other people who are trying to lose weight, encourage one another. Learn what foods are hurting you. Do you like to snack at night? Can you eat a single serving of chips or the whole bag? If you can't stop at one, then don't eat it at all. Discipline. Discipline. Make a routine and be consistent. If meal prepping helps you achieve that, then go for it. Good luck! You got this!
  • nknk1234
    nknk1234 Posts: 4 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi ejohn..I have also started my journey for weightloss.

    But over the past few months I have just been controlling my portions and religiously updating the food intake in MyFitnessPal and that really helps.
    Along with that I just ensured I walk at a normal pace of atleast 10min/km for atleast 3-4days a week for 30min. To track my walk and pace I used Nike+ Run app. I installed that on my phone and used it any time I take a walk.

    Just by doing this, I lost almost 9kgs(20lbs) in 3 months. Now I have started to do my walks inside with the help of Leslie Sansone's 3mile walk at home. Initially I could not complete the 45min workout. I had to pause between the workout since I would go out of breat. But in a week's time I was able to do it at a stretch for 45min.

    Breakup you total weightloss goal into months.. and this will help you understand your monthly goals. Set weekly plans for workouts and if you feel you are getting bored or falling apart take a day's break and start back. Start slow and be patient. I did that and I saw results. I keep pics of models and other people whom I feel looks good on my phone and that keeps me motivated any time I take my mobile in hand.

    Since I have just started my 2nd level of my weightloss journey you could see my blogs. Lets do it together.