
I am 26 and 150lbs and want to get back down to 130lbs as soon as possible but in a healthy way. My fitness pal set my calorie intake at 1200 calories a day. Is eating this amount and exercising everyday going to get me results?

Another question...
If it says I have 1200 for the day and I exercise 300 calories it adds that 300 calories to my remaining calories for the day. So does this mean I'm supposed to eat these and they are still within the 1200 or are these extra? or can I just not eat and replace those exercised ones at all?




  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    Your going to probably get some mixed reviews. Some people say they dont eat their exercise calories. But MFP already factors in a weight loss when giving you 1200 calories. And if your only allowed 1200 calories to begin with I would say eat some if not all back. Again a weight loss is already factored in to the 1200. Good Luck in your journey!!
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    There are different opinions about this topic, but from my experience I never ate my exercise calories and I got to my goal quicker than I thought. :-)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    With only 20 lbs to lose sticking to 1200 would do it quicker. But if you are hungry at 1200, then eat the exercise calories. You will still lose.
  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    1200 is the minimum you should net out at each day to keep yourself from starvation mode. You should ensure that you are eating your exercised calories back so that you do't net under 1200.

    Good luck.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :bigsmile: at first I didn't eat my exercise calories but one day I came back from a 90 minute walk feeling almost faint and realized that my body needed more fuel.and that it was important to fuel it so it could be active......everything I eat is nutrition dense. I don't use my exercise calories as an opportunity to eat empty calories but instead to add more fruit or dairy or nuts for energy. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • sarahsmom89
    I agree with the last post's comment, but to expand a little. You're exercise points are there if you need them. Start listeningto your body. Not listening is how we got here in the first place. Try snacking after exercise, skim milk is good because researchhas shown that milk turns fat to musclel faster than any energy drink. Nuts, yoghurt, cheese, any sort of healthy snack. Use some of your exercise points. That's what they're there for!
  • IWillAchieve
    IWillAchieve Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks so much everyone~ You have helped out a lot! Thanks for the kind words :)
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    Since 1200 is supposed to be the absolute minimum, I would say to at least eat back some of your exercise calories so you're still netting at least 1200.

    I personally try to eat about half of my exercise calories. If I don't eat any of them, especially after a HARD workout, I get dizzy, faint, nauseous, etc. Try to eat back those calories with whole, nutritious, protein rich foods instead of junk.