substituting food for something else

hello fellow weight watchers! i have been trying my bestest to get my butt in the gym to work out as a substitute whenever i get bored (i eat when i'm bored) but it hasn't been doing me good in the past weeks (i have only been to the gym twice since two weeks ago). lately i have been going to the mall a lot to walk around (no motivation to go to the gym) and have noticed that i have been just going wild on spending on stuff that i want! it shouldn't be a problem (especially since i have been buying stuff that's healthy-habit enablers with the most recent purchases include a juicer, a sodastream machine, a pineapple slicer, and an apple corer), but i'm a tad bit worried that this might lead to overspending and going overbudget on some months! it hasn't happened yet but with the looks of it, it just might be around the corner. has anybody experienced or has been experiencing this kind of obsession with regards to losing poundage by buying toys to be motivated to eat and live healthy?


  • 69Jax69
    69Jax69 Posts: 32
    Yes, I feel like if I have the proper "workout clothes" or weights or whatever that this will somehow make me lose weight. I know all I really need to do is put some tennis shoes on and get my butt outside and jog with my dog LOL!
  • punkinberi
    i know!!! i just feel really uneasy whenever i log my food in because i keep thinking if it's already paying off (the purchases vs. healthy habits). i mean, sure, i've already lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks, thanks to juicing veggies and a fruit but i'm still going out buying little things that i feel aren't really necessary but will help me get to my goal. this is annoying. :(
  • lupinenightwanderer
    Yes I have been exactly that way too. You were probably as your title said, substituting food for something else, and now your substituting buying for exercising instead of substituting exercising for eating. I'm no shrink, but I think for any of us to be successful at weight loss, we have to get OK with whatever we lack in our lives that makes us overeat. Of course, I know this is impossible and a vicious cycle. So I guess we just have to get determined enough to make ourselves do what we need to. I'm currently trying to do that now. Been at it all week, making baby-step progress. Better than nothing I guess.
  • punkinberi
    Yes I have been exactly that way too. You were probably as your title said, substituting food for something else, and now your substituting buying for exercising instead of substituting exercising for eating. I'm no shrink, but I think for any of us to be successful at weight loss, we have to get OK with whatever we lack in our lives that makes us overeat. Of course, I know this is impossible and a vicious cycle. So I guess we just have to get determined enough to make ourselves do what we need to. I'm currently trying to do that now. Been at it all week, making baby-step progress. Better than nothing I guess.

    i know. i guess the gym just bores me to death. i can't find any satisfaction in going to the gym because there's not a lot to see (and not being a tv person doesn't help at all). i've made a pact with my husband to not shop at all until we've paid off every single thing we have (car and other stuff). leaving my wallet at home also helps. :)