The little things you notice whilst losing weight

FeelingAlive Posts: 117 Member
edited August 2017 in Motivation and Support
I apologize if a similar thread has already been created, but here goes:

What have you noticed about yourself, physically, emotionally and/or personality wise since losing weight (or since starting the weight loss journey)?

I have been overweight/obese since I was seven years old, and I became a very withdrawn child and teenager because of it. I'm now 23 and finally have the 'guts' to look at my body properly as it begins to change. I few months ago I noticed I have a dimple on my one cheek (gasp), and this evening I noticed venus dimples becoming noticeable. I'm now a person with 5 dimples over my whole body (shoulders included), and never even knew until now!

Personality: I like funky clothes! I usually dressed as a tomboy and whatever is comfortable (don't we all) but I now start to enjoy accessories.

Finally. I want to be physically fit and be able to run marathons. Teenager me would recoil in horror.

These changes make me feel very positive about myself and the journey I am on. I would love to hear yours!


  • dcwick89
    dcwick89 Posts: 13 Member
    I like the way clothes start becoming to big as time goes by. I love the energy that comes as you slim down. Looking in the mirror and noticing that you look better to yourself. I like the little comments that others make when they notice you have lost some weight.

    The best thing I love about losing weight is, looking back at where I first started at my biggest and seeing much I've changed!! This is when I know that I can do anything I want to in this world.
  • Jude1064
    Jude1064 Posts: 83 Member
    I've noticed I'm not as winded when I go up stairs. Also my clothes lay better. They don't ride up over my fat rolls as much. Little victories!
  • FeelingAlive
    FeelingAlive Posts: 117 Member
    This is really so exciting. Clothes becoming smaller is a very big motivation for me. I am starting a new job in 4 months and I truly hope I lose enough weight to buy a whole new wardrobe!

    I have also been tugging at my clothes and it's honestly very annoying. You're unconsciously aware of your appearance and body, and it's exhausting. I always make sure the sleeves are pulled down and my clothes don't roll up when I sit.

    Becoming physically fit feels amazing. It's not so embarrassing anymore to walk long distances (or run) with friends or other people. I used to avoid joining group hikes because I was too unfit and shy because of it. Now I tend to say: screw it, just enjoy your life.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This is really so exciting. Clothes becoming smaller is a very big motivation for me. I am starting a new job in 4 months and I truly hope I lose enough weight to buy a whole new wardrobe!

    I have also been tugging at my clothes and it's honestly very annoying. You're unconsciously aware of your appearance and body, and it's exhausting. I always make sure the sleeves are pulled down and my clothes don't roll up when I sit.

    Becoming physically fit feels amazing. It's not so embarrassing anymore to walk long distances (or run) with friends or other people. I used to avoid joining group hikes because I was too unfit and shy because of it. Now I tend to say: screw it, just enjoy your life.

    I love your attitude and agree!
  • FeelingAlive
    FeelingAlive Posts: 117 Member
    This is really so exciting. Clothes becoming smaller is a very big motivation for me. I am starting a new job in 4 months and I truly hope I lose enough weight to buy a whole new wardrobe!

    I have also been tugging at my clothes and it's honestly very annoying. You're unconsciously aware of your appearance and body, and it's exhausting. I always make sure the sleeves are pulled down and my clothes don't roll up when I sit.

    Becoming physically fit feels amazing. It's not so embarrassing anymore to walk long distances (or run) with friends or other people. I used to avoid joining group hikes because I was too unfit and shy because of it. Now I tend to say: screw it, just enjoy your life.

    I love your attitude and agree!

    Thank you! I just noticed I wrote 'clothes becoming smaller' instead of bigger, but I'll fix the blunder and say I meant buying smaller clothes (I didn't mean it, but quick save!)
  • stephslife88
    stephslife88 Posts: 24 Member
    Sleeping is different... not as much cushion as there used to be! I agree about the clothing. Cant stand having to fix and adjust every time i get out of the car or stand up from sitting at a resturant.
  • theabsentmindednurse
    I found my knees :)
  • uniquekimjackson1
    I would like to see more of my tummy and less of my yes I enjoyed reading this thanku
  • FeelingAlive
    FeelingAlive Posts: 117 Member
    What I also find quite interesting is people's postures. As we lose weight we stand up straighter and with more confidence. It's extremely noticeable in photos, especially mine. I was very awkward when pictures were taken. I pulled at my sleeves, made sure my hair covers most of my face, slumped forward, perhaps fidgeting of hands. I still do it, but less.

    A very surprising thing is that my reading glasses is getting bigger. I'll have to get a new pair when I've lost all my weight because even now it doesn't fit my face.