Scottish Lad seeks help!

Hi everyone, I downloaded the App for MFP a while ago but didnt really use it much i only just found out about the site yesterday when i for the umpteenth time decided to give the weight loss a try again.

When i was 16 i was probably the right weight for me, when i hit 17 i was freakishly underweight and by the time i was 19 i had started to put a lot of extra on. I'm 24 now and probably about 40ish pounds over where i wanna be. The main goal is to get into shape as well as losing the weight. I usually do short burst of eating healthy and gymming it but then i fall away and make excuses like oh i didnt have time to get my gym gear ready that morning or i was in a rush so i grabbed some high cal easy fast food.

Not anymore! but i need help, i need people to keep pushing me to keep it up or im afraid i may fail. So any new friends especiually on here who know what im going through would be much appreciated! I live just outside Glasgow and so if anyone is in the area who might wanna be gym buddies or what not then hit me up. Look forward to using the site and getting to know the fantastic group of people on here! i know you are all fantastic cos ive a) read a lot of the posts this morning and b) your actually doing it, bettering yourself, so well done all!

Ste x


  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Ste - Welcome to the site:smile:

    From South of the border (Warwickshire) . There are a few of us from the UK here.

    Know all about those excuses!! But no more :smile:
  • bubbyp
    bubbyp Posts: 37 Member
    Morning Ste!
    Welcome and I am sure it will help you!
    Reading what you put below was like reading my life! I too have had the app for a while and tried and tried but only came on to the site yesterday!
    I am from sunny geordie land but here to give you the helping hand you need!
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    Welcome. You can do it. Good to have you on here.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Hey there I canna be a gym buddy as I am about 3.5 hours away from you but just wanted to say we can be friends on here if you like. I have been overweight for longer than I can think but have been eating healthy since last January and have been going to the gym religiously for 3 weeks now so am more than willing to help motivate you as I know how important that is...You can do this just remember that.....I have lost 4st 3lbs so far just plugging away slow but sure but I allow for days when I am partying or whatever and am unable to remain on track however I just draw a line under it and get right back on as soon as I can...that was my most important lesson I think...1 bad day does not mean it has to be a bad week and then a bad month which leads to a bad year xx
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    Hi Ste,

    I'm right down the other end of the UK - South of London but not quite to Brighton, however send me a friends request if you're looking for support!

    I started here on March 6th and I seriously can't praise the site enough, its been the one factor that has made me ACTUALLY do it this time round!

    If you're looking for advice (I'm giving it anyway so gloss over it if you're not! haha) then I have 3 things I say to people:

    1. Log everything, good and bad. It will help enormously. This is advice I was giving weeks ago, but last week I had a bad time food wise and wasnt really logging as well as I usually do .... put on weight and lost motivation - so there's the lesson learned!!!

    2. Get yourself a good support network of friends - whether its only 20 friends you get to know really well or 200 friends who support and motivate you. I love logging my successes for my MFP friends to see, it motivates me to do well!

    3. Don't expect to be perfect 100% of the time. This needs to be something you do for the rest of your life and its unrealistic to expect you'll always make the right choices. So if you have a bad meal, or a bad day (or in my case a bad week!!) just move on, don't beat yourself up, don't try to make up for it. The longer you 'punish' yourself for bad choices the worse you'll feel. Think to yourself "my God that was a bad choice, but soooo tasty. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day"

    Good luck in your journey.

    Jenny xx
  • FatGirlSlim89
    Hey Ste, welcome to mfp! I'm in Edinburgh so a wee bit away for being gym buds haha! Send me a friend request if you want to be mfp buddies though :D
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hey we all(well the ladies) love a big burly scotsman! :blushing:

    welcome to the site and add me if you need a shoulder to cry on or any q's!
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Im From Glasgow and can totally relate to what your saying we start out great and do well and think cuz weve lost a wee bit we can stray... then all is undone lol!! Add me :)
  • ste1986
    ste1986 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the warm welcome guys and everyone who has said hi feel free to add me as a friend, support and motivation will be key for me cos i really need to keep it going thats my biggest problem. i do actually enjoy the gym while im there just get lost in a wee world of my own with my music lol.

    oh and im well chuffed (thats pleased with my myself to non scots) cos i was just offered a gorgeous muffin and turned it down! go me! =)
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi Ste - welcome, good luck and good for you for turning that muffin down :bigsmile:
  • jonafinnn
    jonafinnn Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Ste, feel free to add me too if you want. I'm in Glasgow and aiming to lose about 70-80lbs in total and almost 20 of that is gone so far.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Good luck! :)
  • gt_mooar
    gt_mooar Posts: 13
    Hi Ste,

    I'm right down the other end of the UK - South of London but not quite to Brighton, however send me a friends request if you're looking for support!

    I started here on March 6th and I seriously can't praise the site enough, its been the one factor that has made me ACTUALLY do it this time round!

    If you're looking for advice (I'm giving it anyway so gloss over it if you're not! haha) then I have 3 things I say to people:

    1. Log everything, good and bad. It will help enormously. This is advice I was giving weeks ago, but last week I had a bad time food wise and wasnt really logging as well as I usually do .... put on weight and lost motivation - so there's the lesson learned!!!

    2. Get yourself a good support network of friends - whether its only 20 friends you get to know really well or 200 friends who support and motivate you. I love logging my successes for my MFP friends to see, it motivates me to do well!

    3. Don't expect to be perfect 100% of the time. This needs to be something you do for the rest of your life and its unrealistic to expect you'll always make the right choices. So if you have a bad meal, or a bad day (or in my case a bad week!!) just move on, don't beat yourself up, don't try to make up for it. The longer you 'punish' yourself for bad choices the worse you'll feel. Think to yourself "my God that was a bad choice, but soooo tasty. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day"

    Good luck in your journey.

    Jenny xx

    That is some really good advice! I like number 3 the most.