Need motivation :(

So, I've been with MFP for about 6 weeks now and have lost around 7 pounds or so which is all fine and everything but I also seem to have lost my motivation. Im a student and therefore on my summer holidays at the moment and im pretty bored and when I get bored I eat. When I first started, I used exercise as a distraction tool which obviously helped, but then I got bored of exercise and went back to eating. Im still losing about a pound a week but Im still 33lbs off my target and I just cant find the motivation. If things carry on the way they are at the moment its going to take me 33 weeks!

Has anyone got any tips to help get me started again?



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    New exercises?
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    my advice is DONT GIVE UP. I am down 40 pounds and it was very very frustrating at first.. and still is sometimes because I have another 40 to go.. Stay strong and we are always here for you!!!
  • slcase
    slcase Posts: 17
    I agree with the poster above, try new exercises! Exercise can be fun, you just have to find something you really enjoy. As for eating when you're bored, I'm the same way, so I make sure what I am eating is healthy. Fruits, veggies, rice cakes (I love white cheddar), etc. You alone are the best thing for your motivation. Keep thinking about your end goal and remind yourself what you need to do to get there. Good luck :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Do something intense, do something fun.

    Eat chicken salad
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Ahh, you sound like me! I'm a student, too! I get stuck at home and sometimes turn to food, which SUCKS because I feel horrible after. I say as far as exercise, try new ways. I used to just do an hour treadmill, weights, stretch. Now, I mix it up between Body Combat, Kickboxing, spinning, yoga, swimming, and the treadmill/elliptical and weights. :)

    You could also try going to a park, reading a book, painting your nails, etc. Anything to keep your mind off food! It helps for me to be out of the house, and if I can't, as far from the fridge as I can. If I feel like turning to food, I review my diary and tell myself I don't need it. I also try drinking water.

  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Stick at it. Keep your mind occupied.
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    My sister eats when bored, I used to just find things to distract her. Is there anything you've always wanted to try but never had the time? Well you have the time. As for fitness you just need one that you really enjoy, once you see results again you will find your motivation again :)

    I would also suggest using this site a bit more. I used to use it just to log food, now I have filled in my profile and gathered some support, you feel more motivated and supported, but also get new ideas from every body every day.

    Add me to start :)
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    keep going dont stop!!! sometimes if u dont see it in weight numbers you see it in ur body via INCHES!!! measure!!!!
  • xxbnbwxx
    xxbnbwxx Posts: 7 Member
    Suprisingly, just writing this on here helped. Well, I currently feel better (we shall see how it goes tomorrow :P). Thanks for the ideas :)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    If things carry on the way they are at the moment its going to take me 42 weeks!
    You say that like it's a bad thing. You could keep on doing what you're doing and be down 42 pounds in 42 weeks, you could step it up and be down 42 pounds sooner than that, or you could give up and lose nothing. The one thing that's certain in all three scenarios is that 42 weeks surely will pass. The question is where will you be at the end of that time?
  • brenda_allport
    Sometimes writing it helps you refocus your energy. I find that I eat most when I am bored. Before I head to the kitchen, I start doing sit ups, crunches, leg lifts or some other type of floor exercise. Sometimes I will go for a walk or just get outside. This usually works to take my mind off of wanting to snack. Keep you chin up and stay focused on yoru goal.
  • DulceDollie
    DulceDollie Posts: 115
    I feel the same as you do right now! I have 30 lbs to lose and have a hard time controlling my eating. I've been on MFP about 6 weeks and have lost about 5 lbs. I had a few days of bad eating and exercise and am feeling scared that I won't be able to pick back up again and get anywhere! And feeling down on myself is very de-motivating. Anyway, what I would suggest is similar to what the others said. But try to get yourself EXCITED for a new workout. When I can afford to buy a new workout, I'll go watch all the infomercials for that workout on youtube. That keeps me motivated for a good while. Even if it's Tae Bo (I lost 30 lbs on Tae Bo before!), or another cheap workout from Walmart. You could even write up a new plan for yourself. Like a calendar of when you'll do what workout, and add details for calorie cycling or things like that you might want to incorporate. Anyway, try revamping what you've been doing to keep yourself interested. You can do it! Before you know it, those 42 weeks (if it takes that long) will be over and you'll be where you want. And it will feel so good!
  • middleofseven
    What do you mean. A pound a week is great you will be at goal before you know it the slower you lose the less chance you will gain it back. You can give yourself small goals of 10lbs then you buy a new scarf to celebrate. Or you could visit someplace that you have never been, whatever floats your boat. Keep going you'll get there.:flowerforyou: