nomore groups for 100lbs or more want to start one ??????

msstillion79 Posts: 142
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Hello my name is Nellie i am 279 lbs and am looking to loose 100+ lbs and am wanting to challange myself a little bit but there is no groups left open. So my point is i am looking for some guys or gals that want to start a group that does team challanges and or personal challanges but to be accountable to someone else i think would be good so if anyone has any ideas please let me know k Im new to mfp and have no clue how to start one so SOS anyone lol:ohwell:


  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    I'm interested in this!!! I have a hard time doing running and things that strain the knees, but I'm up for a Challenge!!!!
  • Count me in..I've been trying to find a group too
  • Valoriedt
    Valoriedt Posts: 6 Member
    I will, I just joined. I don't know how to post a picture, I have to get my daughter to do it for me. I once lost 95 pounds, but gained backe over 120. I know how to lose, it is just keeping it off that I have the problem with.
  • cawfeesong
    cawfeesong Posts: 34
    I have at least 137 pounds left to lose!
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    Kool i actually didnt think that i would get many responds but great now like i said im new here so i dont know how to post everything but i guess we can just continue it on here Any suggestions on where to start i dont want to get to advance and discourage everyone so maybe some mini challanges like so much water intake a day or week maybe calorie intake any suggestions ? I love the response so far Maybe we could start by everyday we touch bass with everyone different topics a day then maybe weigh in once a wk What do u guys think ??:happy:
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    I say we give our group a name, so that way we know what topics are ours...then I like the idea of mini challenges...a way to push ourselves everyday. I know I struggle with sugar intake, so maybe we do one where we stay under our sugar intake, or we do 20 situps. I'd say walk, but right now, it has been over 100 degrees here, and I don't want anyone to get sick!!! Let's rock this!!!
  • crazynay96
    crazynay96 Posts: 99
    oh count me in!!!!!!!!! I'm Amy... 10 days into MFP and 5 lbs down in my 1st week! :) Loving it and looking for more support. My first GW is to loose 72 pounds. Second goal weight is to loose 60. I got this way after a horrible pregnancy. I gained 100lbs after being on bed rest and having so many difficulties. Then very soon after I was in an automobile accident which put me back on bed rest and through 7 surgeries in 3 years - though out this time I got up to 272lbs and I'd like to get back down to 140 (wedding day weight!) :) I'm looking for support on my journey - i have a long way to go but I am committed to this process because I am tired of feeling the way I do!
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    I'll join ya!! You should keep the group to a min. though. Alot eaiser to keep track of everyone. Let me know if you need some challenges. I belong to another group and we do weekly challenges. Right now (august) it's lose 10 lbs for the month. But we also do things like jumping jacks and water intake. Welcome to MFP!
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    Me too please!! I'm starting to realize all the tools and support MFP has to offer and I'm totally done with not looking like the girl I am inside. I'm recovering from a spinal injury (3 disc protusions) which gave me trouble and could not be diagnosed until after I gave birth to my third child Jan 4th of this year. It was March before I had an MRI and found out the cause of my trouble.

    I've been in physical therapy about a month and just walked my 1st mile since before my pregnancy (4/2010) last week. I made it 1.25 miles this week and I've been feeling great. I have about 120 lbs to lose. I've already lost the pregnancy weight so I just need to discipline myself. In 2013, I'll have two very big reunions, 20th high school reunion and my sorority's 90th anniversary. I want to show off the new me.

    The of course, there's the kids. I have three kids; 6, 4, and 6 months. I want to make sure they grow up with healthier eating habits and better coping mechanisms than I was taught. They are the world to me and I don't ever want them to go through the pain I've had due to my weight.
  • crazynay96
    crazynay96 Posts: 99
    I'd say walk, but right now, it has been over 100 degrees here, and I don't want anyone to get sick!!! Let's rock this!!!


    where are you?

    I'm in Richmond Va.... We just got a heat wave warning... they are saying this 115 like it has been is going to be nothing we'll be wanting that back.... I don't know how I'm going to make it through this new wave... LOL!
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    Kool i have some ideas i will work on it today! I agree on the walking i did one mile yesterday in this heat and it about killed me i had to call my fiancee and have him bring my inhaler its way to hot here i live in alledonia ohio Where does everyone live? I dont go by my sugar intake i do carbs Is anyone on a eating plan by like a dietian or their docter cause i dont want to effect anything that they have u doing let me know and i think that we should all friend request each other so we can keep in touch better and if u have any suggestions for a group name let me know lets do this together i know we can :drinker:
  • topless1
    topless1 Posts: 3
    I would be interested also
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    Great topless1 we would love to have u do u have any ideas on what u want to work on and need motivation with.

    Is everyone moms i thought about moms on a mission 2011 what do u think let me know
  • Moms on a Mission 2011. I like that if everyone is a mom.
  • The Eliminators! we are eliminating old habits, changing our body, Could add "aiming for 2012". New year coming. New habits.
  • Count me in, I need to lose 170lbs
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    :bigsmile: I like the eliminators that is exactly what we are doing if everyone agrees that is it lol. Welcome earthangel0333 we would love to have you the more the better lol we need all the motivation we can get .

    I have been working on a few ideas here goes 1. I thought that we could check in at least 4 days a week with everyone at least can more if u want. Each day would be different things to talk about like We can start on Monday and it could be our weigh-in and each of us could set a personnel goal to do for that week along with our group goal. On Wednesday we could vent our frustrations or just talk about what we have been doin to reach our goals. On Friday we could tell something about ourselfs so we get to know each other better and finally on Sunday we could tell everyone how we did on our personnel goals and see how we did on our group goals i can keep track of that we could like talley up how many exercise minutes we all did that week or the water we consumed together. We could also discuss our ideas for the following weeks goals we want to set.
    Then i thought our first week goals could be 1. Everyone drink at least 8 servings of water a day 2. we could set a goal to do cardio exercise of choice for 20 minutes a day 3. Finally do 10 situps a day each
    Hows this sound i can start another post with our group name and put all of this there let me know either send me a message or on here k Cant wait to get started :bigsmile:
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    I like the Eliminators as well.; eliminating negative behaviors and thoughts that we don't deserve better.

    I've very excited about this group and look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • ladyjessa2
    ladyjessa2 Posts: 24
    I hope you haven't filled your group yet, I have 100lbs to loose as well. Always been over weight, at least since I was very young. The last 10 years or so between kids, medical issues, and more than a few poor choices have left me 149lbs. I'm participating in a behavior modification weight loss program at my local hospital but need some online support and accoutability as well. Would love you join you. Now to actually fill in my profile as opposed to be just another annonymous lurker. :smile:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    :bigsmile: I like the eliminators that is exactly what we are doing if everyone agrees that is it lol. Welcome earthangel0333 we would love to have you the more the better lol we need all the motivation we can get .

    I have been working on a few ideas here goes 1. I thought that we could check in at least 4 days a week with everyone at least can more if u want. Each day would be different things to talk about like We can start on Monday and it could be our weigh-in and each of us could set a personnel goal to do for that week along with our group goal. On Wednesday we could vent our frustrations or just talk about what we have been doin to reach our goals. On Friday we could tell something about ourselfs so we get to know each other better and finally on Sunday we could tell everyone how we did on our personnel goals and see how we did on our group goals i can keep track of that we could like talley up how many exercise minutes we all did that week or the water we consumed together. We could also discuss our ideas for the following weeks goals we want to set.
    Then i thought our first week goals could be 1. Everyone drink at least 8 servings of water a day 2. we could set a goal to do cardio exercise of choice for 20 minutes a day 3. Finally do 10 situps a day each
    Hows this sound i can start another post with our group name and put all of this there let me know either send me a message or on here k Cant wait to get started :bigsmile:

    I would love to join in. I would like to lose 100 pounds or more too. Let us know when you start a new thread with the group name. Tomorrow is Monday and the first of a new month...looks like a good time to start!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I like The Eliminators too... I'm not a mommy so the other one wouldn't fit me!
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    I like the Eliminators as well.; eliminating negative behaviors and thoughts that we don't deserve better.

    I've very excited about this group and look forward to getting to know everyone.

    I agree!
  • I'm interested too! I'm Michelle - from Omaha, Nebraska. My ultimate goal is to lose 125 lbs but am aiming for 100 by my 35th birthday (7/17/13). I am loving this site and the motivation I am getting. Eyes on the prize - let's do this!!
  • 1terby
    1terby Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to join the "eliminators" as well. I'm new to mfp and still working my way around the site. Looking forward in getting to know you all why we are on this journey together.
  • janaj88
    janaj88 Posts: 23
    May I please join, too? My name is Jana and I live in Texas. I need to lose 188 pounds. The Texas heat is melting me and the weight is hard on my knees and feet. I would love to have mini challenges with you guys!
  • ama2414
    ama2414 Posts: 24
    I would love to join too- My name's Amanda-from Boston. Looking to loose 100+ lbs!
  • Welcome chll2803,ladyjessa2,kaechelle,michelle-vankat,spawlak82,janaj88, and ama2414 U are all welcomed. I dont know how to just add a carryon to this post so i am goin to start a new one with the eliminators 2011 as the title. We will start tomorrow August 1 and i will repost our weekly check in days and what to talk about them days and also this weeks challanges and if for some reason like the cardio or situps r to hard for u right now maybe just try to move a little more than normal in a day and try as many situps as u can or just add an personnal goal to it K talk to everyone on the new thread LETS GO ELIMINATORS 2011 we Can do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :happy: :drinker:
  • Hi Everyone! Is there room for one more? Literally just joined now. I've never been in an online group before, but really need the support. I would love to go from current weight of 298lbs to pre-baby weight of 142lbs, seeing as my "baby" will be turning 18 in September! I would settle for 180lbs. HERE'S TO ALL OF US MEETING OUR GOALS!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I would like to be in but this will be my first group so I don't really know what we do.
  • You guys are welcomed thats why i started this but if it starts to get out of hand ill have to close it but this is an honesty group we keep track of our own with the option of opening up our diaries but i am happy that u guys joined us so many groups are closed and everyone needs motivation and support Welcome again i just started the new topic called "THE ELIMINATORS 2011" SO GO THERE K C-YA THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
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