Creatine & GI issues

Last Monday, I started taking 4g of creatine monohydrate every other day with my post - workout shake. Since then, I've had painful intestine cramping. It feels like I've swallowed a handful of jacks and they're passing through my system. When I do have a BM, it's soft & "normal." I'm drinking 4L of fluids daily.
Has anyone had a similar experience?
Is this something that will subside in a few weeks once my body is accustomed to the creatine, or do I give it up?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I don't have that problem, but I have friends who do and it didn't get better for them after a few weeks. If that's the only change you made I'd say it's not for you.
  • FlufferCat
    FlufferCat Posts: 39 Member
    I've used creatine for years without any problems.But if you're having that much discomfort don't use it.
    It may be the brand.If it's a cheap creatine made in China it may not be up to the best standards.
    I only buy micronized creatine ( super fine powder ) made in the US,or Germany.
    Optimum Nutrition makes their creatine in the US,and Creapure is made in Germany.A number of companies use Creapure.GAT would be one I've used.
    You can dissolve creatine in a hot liquid.You can use a little cocoa mix,or Ovaltine if you don't mind the sugar.
    Which reportedly helps the uptake anyway.
    But the idea of drinking plenty of water with it is important.The main benefit of creatine is the osmotic effect of it drawing water into the muscles,as well as the contribution to the ATP-CP energy system.

    Then again some people have a problem with the lactose in protein powders.So that could be an issue for you too.
    I'm usually fine with protein powders,and all dairy products.But I've had a few that hit me funny.
    Good luck.