How do you eat healthy?

1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
edited 2:07PM in Food and Nutrition
How do you eat healthy when someone in your house always buys junk food? Most of the time it's my weakness foods, aka. dirotoes, icecream, etc. So what do you do? I have fruits and veggies in my house but i have problems making myself eat them. Any ideas?


  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    This might not be doable for you, but my mom makes my dad keep his junky snack foods (chips and such) in a cupboard with a lock on the handles. She doesn't know the combination, so she can't eat them ;)
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
    I'm bad the say way. If it's in the house oh yea it will get eaten! So don't bring it in. Somehow you have to get everybody to agree not to sabotage your diet.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    just think, how do these foods benefit me? they dont, they dont give you nutrition, they dont help you reach your goal so theres no reason to eat them! focus on eating nutritious filling foods! :) my partnet buys unhealthy foods but i dont even wantt them anymore because i dont want anything that doesnt benefit my body in some way.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Try getting the healthier versions of these snacks: Baked Doritos, fat free ice cream or frozen yogurt, etc.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Its really hard:grumble: but you must do it. Start with one good choice and you will be proud of yourself. Then next time you have the craving you will remember that you were satisfied with the healthy food AND were proud of yourself and will help you make the right choice.

    Or just have a little. My kids are sitting here right now with a bag of doritos each ( I love them too! :happy: ) and instead of grabbing a whole bag for myself I just had three chips from one of their bags and some apple.

    BE STRONG!!!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    You are the only one who can put food in your mouth. You have to make the conscious decision to eat healthy and not let someone else's choices affect you. It is east to use the excuse that it was there when in the end the reality of it is that you do not have to eat it. Eat what you know is beneficial to you, the fruits, veggies, whole foods etc and leave the crap alone. It is a choice that you have to make.
    Remember, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
  • MrCake
    MrCake Posts: 53
    Junk food will always be around the corner. I personally just find motivation in the results I get from eating healthy, it creates a positive response, often much more satisfying than a short felt sugar high.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    If you can ban those trigger foods for a couple of weeks, you may find that you no longer crave them. Over time you will find that you WANT the healthy stuff. Also, try skinny cow ice cream. It's just enough to satisfy that ice cream craving if you really need it.
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    You find that once you minimise eating junk food and eating more healthily you feel a lot better in terms of mood and energy and you lose fat and gain motivation. After a while junk food becomes associated with feelings of lethargy and guilt. Hence you lose the desire to eat them apart from very rare occasions.
  • zowgati
    zowgati Posts: 25
    I find it really useful to not have junk food in the house period, so when unasailable cravings kick in there just is no easy option! I know that's not always possible so if there is junk in the house I try at make it as inaccessable as possible. Bottom line though, there is junk food everywhere (I can always just go to the shop around the corner if I really want to) and I have the choice whether I eat it or not- either way there are consequences. I reakon I am worth the effort required to be fit, healthy and strong :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Honestly, I just ignore it. Chips used to be my weakness....I finally realized that I am stronger than a bag full of fat and cals! :)
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    My opinion is that you can have some junk food and eat it in moderation (I know, easier said than done). Before I eat some Doritos, etc, I log my dinner in the journal and look at how much I can 'snack'. Keeping a log of what you eat helps me, helps keep you honest. Depriving yourself sometimes makes the craving worse.

    Good luck!
  • I know the feeling. When my family chows down on something I have sworn sweets...I just keep reminding myself those sweets are what put me in my fat jeans in the first place. Then I'll go and get one of my favorite new foods..and feel better knowing it'll help get me into some new skinny jeans and a new corset. Every smart like 2 steps closer to my goal.
  • dkritch
    dkritch Posts: 5
    Yeah, my husband would do the same thing... I finally told him that if he HAD to have the junk food, bring it in when I wasn't home, and hide it somewhere. That worked until he decided that he needed to lose weight too. Thank goodness it's summer and the fruit is awesome now.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Will power. If you can't muster up the will power, you aren't ever going to make your weight loss goal! If my husband sits down with a bag of chips, I'll weigh out my portion, eat it, then that's it. No more grazing out of the bag.
  • bhallow
    bhallow Posts: 1
    I have the same problem and it is hard to deal with because its not just the junk food left in plain sight, it's the constant "I'm going to <insert fast food place here>, do you want something?" And it isn't once a week, it's daily! I understand your frustration.

    My advice is to experiment in the kitchen and find healthy alternatives to the food you love. If you play around enough you will find that you can make healthy replacements that actually taste better than what you would find in the store. Doritos and ice cream are tough ones but I would take some baked tortilla chips and salsa with a little cheese over the very small amount of Doritos that you could eat for the same calories. Ice cream is easier, there are a lot of healthier ice creams in the stores, but I like the Yoplait Gogurts that I buy for my kids. They are delicious frozen and only 70 calories! another yummy alternative is Flavor Ice pops made with Splenda, they only have 10 calories per pop.

    If you are looking for advice on how to get your roommate to stop flaunting their food, I would just ask. If they are not understanding, then make some kind of compromise, like asking them to hold you accountable and not allow you to have any. If you knew they were monitoring the amount of food they had, then you would be less likely to eat any of it. Another thing that has helped me tremendously is to eat on a schedule so that your body will adjust and be hungry right when you are going to eat. That way you wont find your self unexpectedly hungry, with no food prepared, and your roommate's open bag of chips on the counter. Every time you say no to temptation, you win, and winning is fun and encourages you to do it again. Think of today as the day you get the ball rolling and you will be reaping the rewards of your self control very soon. Good Luck!
  • Arwen1922
    Arwen1922 Posts: 21 Member
    I think of them as poison. And after not eating them for a while my body has changed and I either don't like them anymore or I don't feel good after eating them. It is going to take super will power to do it but you can do it!! You rock girlfriend!! Lot of love to ya!!
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