yoga X?

okay so im starting week 4 (recovery week) and i see that yoga x is 2 days. up til now i ve been switching out yoga x for turbofire because yoga x is boring and long. my question is : is yoga x beneficial the pros overweight the cons and i should just stop being lazy because its what makes p90x ...p90x? what is your thought on YOGA X ... if its there twice a week for recovery week its important right??????


  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i think 1.5 hours for yoga X is verrrrry long. i usually break it up into one 45 minute morning session and one 45 minute evening session. i do it as prescribed by the p90x programme, but i find it to be tedious at times.

    that being said, if you do all the optional pushups and really focus on the workout... you will probably be pleasantly achy the next day :D

    especially for your recovery week, i say, do it! you could always sneak in some light cardio if you feel it's not much of a workout.
  • streese50
    streese50 Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations on Week 4!!!!!!!!

    Go ahead and give Yoga X a try this round..... It is so beneficial and you will not believe the results you'll see soon!
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    I am about halfway thru the P90X series, loving it...but really do NOT like Yoga. HOWEVER, I know Yoga is critical to my overall fitness results. As it helps with balance, strength, recovery, serenity, etc. Per Tony Horton, he claims he's in the best shape of his life today, not because he can do a bunch of pushups and pullups, but because he does Yoga.

    I say do the Yoga, as later in the program your muscles will be thankful you spent more time stretching and working on your core foundation.

    Just my .02.

    Whatever you decide, Keep pressing play and BRING IT!

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Just because of yall ill start doing it =] thanks for ur input guys
  • dieselbugparrot
    We finished our 1st round of P90X in March. At first it was very tedious and seemed to last forever. But we did it every time we were suppose to and now I really enjoy Yoga X. I just let my mind go, not thinking about anything. My flexibility is better and it has helped tremendously with dealing with exercise pain-being able to breath thru it now instead of giving up because it's too hard. Plus, I really like the last 6 minutes, I like the downtime.