On the road to a baby....

I'm curious if there are any ladies out there that is on the same road I am- fertility issues.
This road can be extremely lonely and isolating.
While I consider myself a pretty happy person- this journey to becoming a mother has made me sad.
While I have faith that the Lord will fulfill mine and my husband's hearts, the waiting game is long and excruciating.
I'm hoping to gain some new friends that can relate to this and that we may be a support system to each other.


  • Mads7878
    Mads7878 Posts: 33 Member
    HI Emarie
    Just come over a bump so to say add me if want we can chat. See you mads
  • CandyCoatedKaty
    CandyCoatedKaty Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm right there with you. We've been trying for over a year and I've had 2 miscarriages. That part of the reason I decided to join MFP - I was just food to cope. We are in this together ♡
  • emariethomas83
    emariethomas83 Posts: 21 Member
    @CandyCoatedKaty I am so sorry you have experienced the heartache of losing your babies. It's a road I hate for anyone to experience...but like you said, we are definitely on this together. I have had a few losses myself and it's definitely tough. Sending you love and hugs!
  • emariethomas83
    emariethomas83 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear you and your wife are having to endure this @Cutaway_Collar . It's so so hard, and unfortunately I tend to tuck away the grief of this process till it starts trickling out. We're slowly getting to that point but I'm hoping the idea of what my doctor has is something. We'll see though.
  • bingo_007
    bingo_007 Posts: 101 Member
    If you want you can add me. Going through the same right now n I think it would be nice to have some support
  • emariethomas83
    emariethomas83 Posts: 21 Member
    @bingo_007 ☹️ hate that you are
  • Kentishcat2310
    Kentishcat2310 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I recently had a miscarriage, feel free to add me, I'm feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Not sure how I'll get over this and move on.
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    I had a miscarriage for my first pregnancy gained 15kg from emotional eating. Got pregnant, got to 100kg at end of pregnancy, emergency c sec etc almost died but we are both still here over 3 years later. General consensus is the closer you can be to a healthy weight the better your body will cope. I promised myself I won't try for a child again until I'm within a normal bmi, which is one of the many reasons I'm losing weight.
    I'm not saying you should do that, but keep in mind that conception is only the start, delivery is the scary part and you want your body in good shape for it.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    Sorry to hear this, my wife had three miscarriages through the years, but we also have three healthy children. My Niece's husband had cancer and he is now sterile, but before they performed the Chemo they extracted some sperm and they did a series of IVF, They currently have two children, and also lost two very late in the pregnancy (like the seventh month both times) due to issues my niece has carrying. Anyway, keep hope and faith and seek a Doctor and counseling and I wish you all the best. Adoption is always an option there are many wonderful children out there that are looking for nice home with loving parents. I have an adopted sister and brother, they told my mother she was not going to have any children, so she adopted two, then ended up giving birth to three kids in her thirties ( she was 39 when she had me in 1970, so it was unheard of back then. As I said, keep the faith, talk to counselors, talk to Doctors and both get tested, more than one! and get the best advice possible than maybe it will all work out. I wish you and your husband all of the best.
  • ramshackles
    ramshackles Posts: 85 Member
    Anyone wanting positive support on that journey, just add me. I was blessed after many years of trying. X