Weightlift routine I need help please

katelim2014 Posts: 7 Member
edited September 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello Pals,
Can you please advise my glutes and leg routine? . I have been doing crossfit for a year 2-3 days per week but I am still the weakest of all. I started it with no strength or muscle. I was skinny fat. Now little better but not the best. I have done insanity and p90x before crossfit.

My main goal is building strength and muscle.
I weight 110lb. Slim but little fat around my belly. I am not sure I am doing right or too much. I spend average 1.5hr at the gym 1-2 days and crossfit 2days per week. When I weightlift I don't take a rest btw set but I do rest 1min-2min if I feel like to.

My glutes program
Squat 45lb bar 10-12reps
Add 10lb (65lb total) 8reps
75lb 8reps
85lb 5reps
95lb 3reps
105lb 3reps

Wall ball 20lb x10reps and walking lunge 20--3sets
(Alteration no wall ball but sumo squat 10reps 3sets)
Smith machine lunges empty bar 10reps, add 20lb 10reps, add another 10lb 8reps-each leg
Leg press 50lb 12reps--3sets
Sitted leg press 90lb 12reps---3sets
Hip thrust and bridge 40lb bar 12reps each for 3sets
Deadlift 95lb 5reps --3sets (alternative hip abduction 12reps 3sets)
30lb bar step up 12reps 3sets

My other day at the gym (45lb bar)
30min total of 7round. Just started last week. Planning to add 5lb each week.
6 push press
7 front squat
8 back row
9 deadlift
10 back squat
Then, 30lb face pull(cable), pull cable to chest and 40-50lb pull bar(wide grip) 12reps 3set

Am I doing too much?? I am eating about 1500 max... any advise or suggestion? I will appreciate your in put. Thank you


  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    My two cents, either up your attendance at Crossfit or get on a strength program. I think you may like Strong Curves because of the emphasis that program places on glute training.

    Does your CF affiliate run strength cycles? Have you talked with your CF coaches about your goals and how to improve your weaknesses? They can probably give you some great feedback. If they can't, I'd find another Box. It is possible to put on muscle doing Crossfit, but you've got to show up more than 2 times a week. Try 4-5 times per week.

    The program you've created for yourself is a pretty redundant. You hit the nail right on the head when you wonder if your doing too much. Strong Curves will make your glutes the focal point of your training and give you a logical program to follow.
  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    to lift weights you need fuel. you are not eating enough to fuel your muscle and therefore you feel weak and not strong. in order to feel strong you need to have fuel. nothing is going to grow unless you feed it.
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    Yeah, that's way too many calories going out through exercise without enough calories going in from food.

    Your weight's pretty low anyway, but you should probably make sure your NET calories for the day are at least 1,000 or so. (The MFP floor is 1,200 but people with a naturally small build may still be healthy on a bit less.)

    If you want to grow muscle, you need to be in a calorie SURPLUS.
    (You can do a limited amount of recomposition by weight training on roughly maintenance calories, but it's slow!)

    I'd also advise a proper strength programme. Something like Strong Curves of StrongLifts 5x5, or something set by your CF Box if they'll do it. It's most likely to not be very many reps, be with heavy weights, and focus on big compound lifts. It may not feel like a lot of gym time if you're used to 90 min sessions!

    And rest days are SUPER important to build muscle. If you're constantly tearing at your muscle tissue by training, then your body never gets a chance to lay down new tissue through its repair mechanisms. I had to learn to chill out and only train 3 days a week when I started lifting, but I've got way better results than anything I'd ever done in the past!
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    edited September 2017

    FYI- here is the link with resources to look at the programs others have suggested (Strong Curves, Strong Lifts, etc), plus some others that may interest you.

    I also lift only 3 days a week (full body) using the Greyskull LP program and I really like it. I run and/or walk 2-3 days a week and have a full rest day once a week. I am having great results. As others have said, you need to be at a calorie surplus to gain muscle- I would recommend checking out the Gain Weight and Body Building forum here on MFP as well to learn about nutrition (found here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/categories/goal-gaining-weight).
  • katelim2014
    katelim2014 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you son much guys!! It is so helpful! I really appreciate.