New here

Dipsy225 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, my name is Dipsy. I'm mum to 2 gorgeous girls 14 and 12 who are my life. I work in finance too. I've lost just under 13 stone, dropped 7 dress sizes by using weight watches alongside calorie counting and would ideally like to lose another stone xx


  • annobrien900
    annobrien900 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi dipsey its Ann were already friends on the app
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Hi Dipsy, congrats on your progress so far!
  • Dipsy225
    Dipsy225 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys
  • Donnab1969
    Donnab1969 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Dipsy. Hope your well? Xx
  • Dipsy225
    Dipsy225 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm good Donna thanks. How you doing?
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Congrats :):):)
  • Donnab1969
    Donnab1969 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm fine thanks. Glad your ok x
  • Afitbeginning
    Afitbeginning Posts: 31 Member
    Dipsy225 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, my name is Dipsy. I'm mum to 2 gorgeous girls 14 and 12 who are my life. I work in finance too. I've lost just under 13 stone, dropped 7 dress sizes by using weight watches alongside calorie counting and would ideally like to lose another stone xx

    Hey Dipsy! Well done on your progress, that is such a great loss!

    I'd love to follow your journey! If you do not mind me sending you a friend request! xx
  • CharlieAnn_D
    CharlieAnn_D Posts: 2 Member
    Hello and thank you for adding me to the group. I've already lost 25 pounds and need to lose about 50 more. I'm a Type 2 Diabetic, 62 years old and I need to adopt a healthier lifestyle. LCHF is the way to go for me. I'm off to read some posts and educate myself. Thanks again!
  • AlexYachiru
    AlexYachiru Posts: 79 Member
    You can add me