Really need motivation

Good morning...I have hit a new low...I have gained 20 pounds since March and I don't know how!! I need to lose at least 50 to feel better...I will be 44 in October .I am looking for pool in my age group who know I feel and we can encourage each other !!


  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Look for weight loss challenge threads on the forums. People there check in daily. You can also find a lot of groups on here.

    Motivation is not going to get you far. It's about dedication, commitment, and setting yourself up for success by meal prepping, pre-logging, and buying nutrient dense foods.
  • BobbieSparks2
    BobbieSparks2 Posts: 12 Member
    I guess if you're unhappy with your weight, the best motivation would to put on a sports bra and pair of yoga shorts, find a full length mirror and take a picture of yourself. Works for me when I feel like giving up. LOL, sorry if this isn't exactly what you were looking for.
  • jaci66
    jaci66 Posts: 139 Member
    We all come to that realization that how we look and feel weight wise makes us unhappy. Now you're ready to lose the weight.

    1. You need to log all your food intake as accurate as possible.
    2. CICO - Calories In need to be less than Calories Out - eating at a deficit.
    3. Exercise. Walking is the easiest to do that is low impact.
    4. Motivation is only part of the formula. Commitment is the key. If you don't have that, the rest won't matter.

    I sent you a friend request.
  • nvrgvup12
    nvrgvup12 Posts: 51 Member
    I sent you a request!