Craving carbs!

I eat rather decently but carb cravings will take hold and I'll overeat by having chips, a pastry, or some donuts. How can I beat these carb cravings?


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited September 2017
    Are you restricting you carb intake?

    More info why you can't eat or are avoiding chips, pastries, etc...please.
  • Buckeye19XX
    Buckeye19XX Posts: 33 Member
    My carb goal is 146g a day.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If it's just carbohydrates you're wanting, choose carbohydrates that are easier for you to control the portions of. Yours will be individual to you, but some that are easier for me to control are carbohydrates like cauliflower, greens, oats, rice milk, chickpeas, and tomatoes.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If it's just carbohydrates you're wanting, choose carbohydrates that are easier for you to control the portions of. Yours will be individual to you, but some that are easier for me to control are carbohydrates like cauliflower, greens, oats, rice milk, chickpeas, and tomatoes.


    It sounds like you may not be craving "carbs" but specific foods that are half carb, half fat, however. If so, maybe save calories for small/moderate servings of them?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Education. The foods you mentioned are more fat than carbs (percentage wise).
  • bigback2017
    bigback2017 Posts: 19 Member
    Have oats. simple
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Make room in your diet for some chips, a small pastry or a (not some) donut?


    Losing weight is just the first step. After the weight is gone how will you manage these (same) FOOD cravings?

    I do well with individual portions. An ice cream bar.....not a half gallon container, that kind of thing.

    If you can't be trusted with something in the house, then plan on that something when eating out.

    Total elimination is often a temporary fix.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    edited September 2017
    ^^ Now I REALLY want an ice cream bar!!!! I haven't had one in years!

    I want/crave something salty and crunchy everyday... (Probably because I've trained myself to eat something salty/crunchy between 3-4 p.m. everyday lol) But I don't believe that there are bad foods or macros sooooo I make room! 130-200 calories for a snack keeps me satisfied until the next day because I can tell myself "If you don't finish the whole bag, you'll have some left for tomorrow!" It works for me rather than saying "save the cheez-its for a cheat/treat day!" because then I'm guaranteed to eat the whole box! :worried:
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    When I was cutting my carbs I would save 50% of my carbs for after dinner and before bed. Since I work 9-5 i do not get the hunger and cravings during the day but at night when i was ready to go to sleep i would get them really bad. Even though i was eating the same amount of carbs, once i ate more towards the end of the day it helped me with my cravings. Goodluck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I eat rather decently but carb cravings will take hold and I'll overeat by having chips, a pastry, or some donuts. How can I beat these carb cravings?

    Interestingly enough, these things have as much fat percentage wise as they do're craving a highly palatable combination of fat and sugar.