question about drastic weight loss

So i've been thinking about my body and how am i going to look after i lose all the weight that i want to. well with clothes on im sure i'll look fantastic once i reach my goal but what about with out clothes, does anyone else have fear of the skin situation? what i mean is that i've heard if you lose a massive amounts of weight (in my case it will be somewhere around 100 pounds) all the skin that used to cover that fat is still there. is this true? am i still gonna look all nasty on my honeymoon even though i lost the weight? gawd how awful would that be! it would mean no change for me - i wouldnt be able to wear bikinis or short dresses and skirts or show my midrift which is the same fashion situation i am in now, yes i know ill be healthy and feel good but is my fiance gonna be marrying a person who has enough extra skin to use as a blanket in the winter?!!


  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Loose skin after losing 100lbs??? Not if you do it right. Girlfriend, have you seen some of these people online that have lost 100's of lbs??? They look like they never seen a day over 120 in their lives. It's all about losing it slowly and toning up as you go along. That's why they don't recommend losing more then 2lbs a week. But as you start off, if you are like me, it is okay to lose a bit more b/c you have excess water weight. But I'm finally seeing 2lbs or so loss a week. It gives your body a chance to catch up with you. :) Stop worrying so much and just take it slowly. You will have nothing to be afraid of.
  • JulieSmiles1
    JulieSmiles1 Posts: 43 Member
    This is my big fear too! I have lost about 80 and have some lose skin. My stomach is a little saggy, but not horrible. I don't really have a lot of lose skin anywhere else either. I drink a ton of water, which I heard helps. I think that losing slowly and incorporating strength training is key as well.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    I've lost close to that amount in my younger days and I didn't have the loose skin that I do this time. I think you'll be ok - you may want to use a lot of lotion and rub it in real good every day in a circular motion to help with blood flow.

    Good luck!
  • wrightdj
    wrightdj Posts: 3 Member
    As long as you are doing toning exercises (not overexercising) and loosing at a pace, you will not have that problem. Don't starve yourself slim; that will result in not having the firmness and adequate muscle you normally would have.
  • 3DFitness
    3DFitness Posts: 12 Member
    Honestly it depends on the elasticity of your skin. My suggestion is to make sure you strength train as this has been shown to help reduce if not totally eliminate that problem. On a lighter not, I wouldn't stress it this early or it could make you lose sight of the over all goal.
  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    you'll be fine. i've lost about 75 lbs by now -- no extra skin, thanks to lots of strength training. and you have age on your side too, so your skin still has a good bit of elastin in it to 'shrink' back.
  • UnpredictablyPretty21
    Whoa, your not even that big to have rediculous amounts of excess skin, so I would be chillin on that. secondly, go do some weights tone up strength is good for you dont be scared of the gym or weights females dont beef up they get lean. and do cario its good for you.... its when you are so obese that those kind of skin sagging situations happen and hunni it definitly wont happen to you! Your fiance will think you are smokin hot!!!!

    Good luck
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Ok, I have lost 74 so far and have about another 50 to go. I have skin sagging on the tummy area for sure, but my arms are ok. Boobs arent bad as long as I have on a bra or swimsuit. Thats the honest truth. If you lose that much weight, there will be some skin saggage. How much and if it gets better is yet to be seen for me, but I think it depends partly oon how big you were, where you carried yor weight and how long you were that heavy. I am hoping some of mine will resolve, but I ahve already decided that eventualy I will prob need some skin revision surgery.
  • patrick323
    On the upside, it might save your life, slowing your descent, if you fall from a great height.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    I don't know from experience, but I heard if you lose weight at a slower rate, 1-2 pounds a week instead of 3-5 a week, your skin will have time to bounce back. Like I said.. i'm not 100% sure. I have loose skin...but i've had 3 kids and before my last son I lost 105 working on 80 (40 left to go), so my body has really been up and down...stretched and shrinked. Love yourself and be proud of what you are doing!!
  • cshore54
    cshore54 Posts: 70
    There are many factors that enter into how your skin will look. Age, genetics, how many times the skin has been stretched, nutrition are just a few. It is very individualized. Generally the younger you are, the better. Skin is an amazing organ, it literally can bounce back. Don't be afraid to get healthy, you will be so amazed at how you look and feel
  • miisscandace
    Ok, I have lost 74 so far and have about another 50 to go. I have skin sagging on the tummy area for sure, but my arms are ok. Boobs arent bad as long as I have on a bra or swimsuit. Thats the honest truth. If you lose that much weight, there will be some skin saggage. How much and if it gets better is yet to be seen for me, but I think it depends partly oon how big you were, where you carried yor weight and how long you were that heavy. I am hoping some of mine will resolve, but I ahve already decided that eventualy I will prob need some skin revision surgery.

    this is exactly what i am afraid of i really dont want to have surgery :( hopefully it all works out!
  • miisscandace
    Thank you for all the information including that i could some day be a parachute lol - i do weight training and cardio already so hopefully like most of you said it wont be an issue with me - i didnt think about lotion - i rarely moisturize my stomachso thats something i will have to try and remember to do so. . . thanks again and good luck!
  • patrick323
    Completely joking of course. Making light of the fact that the potential vanity after weight loss overshadows the loss itself, already.. If you're in a position to have enough to lose that you'd worry about excess skin/surgery then I'd cross that bridge once you get to it. Getting to it is hard enough.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've lost 60lbs and I've done it VERY slowly. I have also done strength training in my weight loss journey and I believe that has helped A LOT.

    I have a tiny bit of saggy skin on my belly, but it is very minimal. My arms are fabulous because I've worked them hard to make them this way. My thighs are toned because I run and do leg machines at the gym. You have to make sure you work on muscle tone as you lose weight. I think if all you did was cardio - you COULD very well end up with very saggy skin.

    One thing I've heard? That it can take up two years for your skin to return to "normal" after you've lost weight. I would think if you lose weight slowly and correctly, your skin would gradually come back as you're losing weight thus eliminating the saggy skin syndrome that CAN occur when you lose weight too quickly.

    Also. Hydration is important. Lots of water and lotion. It'll help.
