getting really frustrated!

i was loosing 4-5 lbs per week then after loosing 21lbs i started loosing 1 lb per week, i understand that would happen but now im still sticking 2 my cals and working out but my weigh in day is tommorrow, i took a peek at the scales as i felt really bloated this morning, i had a light dinner, (scrambled eggs and half a pitta bread) and had it earlier than usual but i gained 1lb this week the same as last week, i want advise coz i dont want to start gaining and undo all my hard work, i was so sure i would loose this week i feel so low about it. Sometimes when i feel low i munch crap but i will NOT do it today as i know this wont help. I dont eat back my exersize cals as thats only about 200 cals. :0)


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    try eating more! open up your diary too. it will make you more accountable
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    maybe your body needs a little more to eat. Possibly more water too.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    If you felt bloated this morning when you weighed yourself it's probably water weight. Your weight can fluctuate from day to day, depending on water retention, bowel movements, and other factors. Don't give up just because of a temporary uptick on the scale! Keep doing what you're doing and it will eventually get there.
  • losingtheselbs
    losingtheselbs Posts: 27 Member
    You may have hit a plateu with your weight loss, meaning your body has become comfortable with what you're doing at the moment. Maybe up your exercise one or two dayas of the week. Or vary your calorie intake for a week or two, for example, eat above and then below your recommended intake. The dramatic change from routine will force your metabolism to get back into gear!

    This happened to me once, and I took the advice of varying my calories and it worked!
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    Maybe since you are working out you are gaining muscle...maybe it's your time of the month, or maybe you just need to eat more... and of the good stuff! Keep your chin up. Things will turn around! :flowerforyou:
  • zeuse
    zeuse Posts: 15
    Very normal, since you've essentially plateaued with what you've been doing you'll need to make adjustments, lower your calories slightly or increase your cardio slightly. I cannot see your food journal so i couldn't pick out what you should remove or replace, but judging from what you've said take the above advise.
  • janiececreasy
    janiececreasy Posts: 11 Member
    Hang in there! You may not register a weight loss right now but you may have a few pound loss shortly. I use to go to a nutrition Dr. and was told this is to be expected. Don't give up!
  • vhjacobson
    vhjacobson Posts: 64 Member
    Read about the 17 day diet ( there is a blog on here). It is the best! Not a fad diet but a lifestyle change. Three main cycles of eating that confuses your metabolism. No fasting - all healthy eating.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    I know I keep saying it and people are probably sick to death of me...........GET RID OF THE SCALES!!!!! honestly they fluctuate so much on an hourly basis let alone daily/weekly.....I nearly undid all my hard work because of a number and seriously it just wasn't worth it....I am down 3 dress sizes and have lost numerous cms.....if you are doing all the right things (which you definately are) then there is no reason you won't keep losing...:o) I have never felt freer since I got rid of them....I think initially they are a good guide when you first start out, but as you lose more and start toning you also develop muscle...just my two cents worth anyway....xx
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    it could also have something to do with normal hormonal fluctuations. Don't give up, eventually the scale will move.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm thinking, you might want to try changing your calorie goal in settings. When I dropped myself 20 pounds, staying at the same 1200 calories moved me from 2/week to 1/week...

    If that doesn't work-time to change it up.
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    Be patient weight loss takes time. You are toward the end of your weight loss journey it takes longer the closer you get. I've gone three weeks without lossing weight and then I suddenly drop three pounds in a week. I have averaged 1 pound a week my goal weigh is the same as yours. I had a total of 29 lbs to lose and have lost 24 so far. I'm close to my goal but it could take a month to lose the last couple of pounds. Sometimes if you go over your calories for a day and then go back to normal you can trick your body and start lossing again. Don't give up your almost there.