Darned nitetime binges!!

Having a hard time fighting of those night time munchies! You know... Those hunger pangs that haunt you right before bed and will not stop until you sneak into the kitchen and while still standing in front of the cabinet have that one last serving of something bad( like a couple handfuls of crackers, or a wad of lunchmeat wrapped around a slice of cheese etc). Can not seem to get around the nightly binge.. And it doesn't seem to go away until I consume an additional 200 calories (or more). Fruits and veggies won't satisfy this monster either unless they are dipped in some sort of fat.. Even worse, if I end up using the willpower thing to get thru the craving, I end up waking up at night (almost zombie-like) and eating then.

This post is more of a rant then anything.. I kind of know what I gotta do, I just hate doing it!!! Lol


  • mariasheehan
    I know!!! mine is a couple of glasses of wine then I go crazy for salty food, like salty popcorn, chips and THEN comes the ice-cream. I had to kick myself up the butt last Monday and remind myself why I'm here. I cut out the wine for a whole week and instead of ice cream I had Artic Zero, Cool whip and jello for 70 calories. I also find as long as I have enough food for dinner with plenty of protein, I tend not to want to snack so much. Good luck with doing what you gotta do! :-)
  • TruckerChick
    OMG... the lunch meat wrapped around cheese is soooo me!!!! I hear ya!
    Altho I have never awakened in the middle of the night to binge eat, I have stayed up very late to do it. Sometimes I'll even go for a spoonful of peanut butter if I have run out of ham and cheese.
    How do we get rid of them? Dunno... when you find out, let me know, K??
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Start planning for them. Give yourself those 200 calories in the evening. Then go to bed~

    Good luck :drinker:
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member

    I understand what you are going through. If this helps, I would say to eat the number of calories that is your ideal weight by 10. That is your minimum calorie intake a day. If you eat more, you have to exercise or something. I want to be 140 lbs (140 x 10 = 1400 calories) so even though mfp says my calories per day is 1250, I know I can go over without worry. If you eat less than your minimum, you are setting yourself up for a binging.
  • rachelaughe
    rachelaughe Posts: 21 Member
    I have the exact same problem! I'll be so good all day, and end up doing the zombie eating thing and ruining everything! What is almost as bad as the fact that I'm eating in the middle of the night, is I end up not brushing my teeth afterward and wake up in the morning feeling horrible that I ate, and my mouth feels gross.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    when you find the answer... please let us all know! I struggle with late night eating too, and not out of hunger..out of habit and bordem. Good luck!
  • SherryLynn82
    SherryLynn82 Posts: 69 Member
    Yup. I am the same way, but now I make sure that I have some calories left at the end of the day so when I want my spoonful of peanut butter and glass of skim milk (my favorite midnight munchie) I have it taken care of.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    You know... Those hunger pangs that haunt you right before bed and will not stop until you sneak into the kitchen and while still standing in front of the cabinet have that one last serving of something bad( like a couple handfuls of crackers, or a wad of lunchmeat wrapped around a slice of cheese etc).

    Are you looking in my kitchen window?!?!??!! You described my dirty little secret perfectly!! Just need to add a swig of juice from the container to wash it all down! :laugh:
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Feeling this now :(

    But that is a good idea mentioned above, to set aside calories to use for later in the evening, I never thought about that!
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    I can totally relate! There are times I continue to eat after I've had a decent dinner. I always have to end dinner w/something sweet - but then some evenings it goes beyond. After that little something sweet - I've gotta have something salty - then something sweet - then something salty and the vicious cycle goes on and on. Thank goodness it's not an every night occurrence. I know what I need to do to stop the madness.....sounds like you know what you need to do too ~ but it's hard, I know! I'm trying to get to that "place" where I can resist that stuff ~ but until I'm there ~ I'm going to try not to have certain items in the house, or I'm going to brush my teeth when I'm done eating, or have a cup of tea, or go up stairs - away from the kitchen. So many different options ~ just gotta put your mind to it and do it! (And know it's ok to give in once in a while.....)
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I try to plan out my day as much as possible, and I definitely add in that late night snack. I was having a problem with waking up in the middle of the night and finding myself with a spoon in the peanut butter jar though. No idea why! I bought a theater box of Junior Mint's and now when I wake up in the middle of the night and get that feeling, I have one Junior Mint. 10 calories, not bad! And then I can go back to sleep. So weird, but hey, its working. I've only been here for a couple of weeks now and would love to have anyone add me as a friend if they'd like. Good luck!
  • mell4now
    mell4now Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone for your posts :) I saved some points (AKA starved for a bit durring the day) and now I have some room to munch tonite... Fudgicle # 3 here I come!!!