Starting again, hopefully with motivation friends this time :)

EllaGmember Posts: 23 Member
edited September 2017 in Getting Started
Hi! I joined MFP quite a while ago, and have had success and failures as we all have. I ended up losing about 10kg/23 lbs and now I've just been off the rails eating my face off and feeling like an inflatable frankfurter for the last few months and have canned all exercise and put about 8kg back on. Pain in the behind. But ya'no, get back up and try again and all that.
I'm trying my hardest to get back on track with healthy life and looking to do it with friends this time so I don't feel like the lone blubber ball trying to work it out again haha.
My goal is to lose 35kg/75 lbs, but my first goal is just to lose 5.
Hoping someone is keen to take the journey with me :smile: Anyone keen to add me as a friend?


  • Sharons114
    Sharons114 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm right there with you. Let's do this together! What do you think?
  • EllaGmember
    EllaGmember Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, Sharons114! I think that's an amazing idea! Do you mind if i add you as a friend? Is that taboo in here? Haha
    Sharons114 wrote: »
    I'm right there with you. Let's do this together! What do you think?

  • Sharons114
    Sharons114 Posts: 14 Member
    Are you doing anything special to lose weight? Specific diet? Exercise?
  • EllaGmember
    EllaGmember Posts: 23 Member
    I'm going to try and stick to what worked for me before, and kept me from bingeing. I would just make sure I kept under my calorie limit, and made sure I didn't eat exercise points. No limit on what I cooked as long as I don't add any non-naturally occurring sugars. I found a huge bunch of healthy dinner recipes and I modify them to suit. I find if I try and restrict on no bread, no cards, low fat, no oil, high protein, have this-not that and all those sort of diets I end up going seriously off the rails, which is what happened last time. I tried to restrict and low calorie for a few weeks before a wedding to drop some pounds and it backfired big time. The binge lasts for so long after that I just can't stop myself.
    So now I'm feeling more in control and I'm just making sure I cook all my own food for lunch and dinners, no takeaways, focus on healthy choices, plan all my meals, and grocery shop. Haha long list.
    I'm making sure I walk home at least 3 times a week and will try and gym at least twice a week. Hopefully becasue its not a huge amount of pressure I'll succeed.

    How are you getting on? Have you got a specific plan or diet/exercise in mind? :smile:
  • Shannon_Kop
    Shannon_Kop Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I joined MFP quite a while ago, and have had success and failures as we all have. I ended up losing about 10kg/23 lbs and now I've just been off the rails eating my face off and feeling like an inflatable frankfurter for the last few months and have canned all exercise and put about 8kg back on. Pain in the behind. But ya'no, get back up and try again and all that.
    I'm trying my hardest to get back on track with healthy life and looking to do it with friends this time so I don't feel like the lone blubber ball trying to work it out again haha.
    My goal is to lose 35kg/75 lbs, but my first goal is just to lose 5.
    Hoping someone is keen to take the journey with me :smile: Anyone keen to add me as a friend?
    Hi! I joined MFP quite a while ago, and have had success and failures as we all have. I ended up losing about 10kg/23 lbs and now I've just been off the rails eating my face off and feeling like an inflatable frankfurter for the last few months and have canned all exercise and put about 8kg back on. Pain in the behind. But ya'no, get back up and try again and all that.
    I'm trying my hardest to get back on track with healthy life and looking to do it with friends this time so I don't feel like the lone blubber ball trying to work it out again haha.
    My goal is to lose 35kg/75 lbs, but my first goal is just to lose 5.
    Hoping someone is keen to take the journey with me :smile: Anyone keen to add me as a friend?

    Hi I've done the same thing
  • caroline_mason42
    caroline_mason42 Posts: 83 Member
    I am keen to join - I am back after gaining all my weight back and more. It has taken 7 years to gain it back but I now need to start all over again and try to get much more healthy - would be great to have some friends on here to keep us all going when it gets tough - day one for me and 58lb to lose :-)
  • EllaGmember
    EllaGmember Posts: 23 Member
    We can do it! Maintaining is so damn hard! All of it is. Team power though
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I was very successful last year, then got derailed over the summer with new work hours and other family stress. I gained about 20 lbs since April!! I too want to loose 70-75lbs. Least I'm not starting from scratch this time.
  • caroline_mason42
    caroline_mason42 Posts: 83 Member
    I am also going to make it realistic this time, I just kept increasing the exercise and reducing calories and ended up binging so 60 minutes cross trainer 6 times a week and a 45 minute dog walk each day try to eat three meals a day without going over my calorie allowance and a large glass of wine to keep me motivated :)
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    I came back after,im now 21 days back on track ( -5lbs/50lbs). Im always looking for more friends. More friends = more motivation.

    Please feel free to friend me .
  • Bettany
    Bettany Posts: 14 Member
    I would like to join, too. I have had many weight loss attempts with very little success. My weight is getting pretty high and I must do something this time. My doctor wants me to visit a dietician and I would rather not. I hope with the help of you all and MFP that I can take it off without one.
  • tinahermus
    tinahermus Posts: 1 Member
    I have spent YEARS trying to lose weight and keep gaining☹️. The 75 pounds I needed to lose has turned into 150!!! Feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed! Looking for friends who are in the same situation and to do this journey together!
  • bowerstn
    bowerstn Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me! I'm in need of a motivational buddy so we can keep each other on track :)
  • angevran
    angevran Posts: 2 Member
    I'm definitely in and in the same boat ! Please add me. I'm ready to go and motivated and here to help others too. We got this
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm back here too after a long hiatus in which I gained back almost every single pound. Ugh. Lesson learned: don't quit MFP just because you reach your goals!
  • staylo1313
    staylo1313 Posts: 47 Member
    I am back here again as of July. Need all the motivation I can get. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    I have also been off track for awhile and finding it very hard to get my motivation back. I actually stayed In my calories today and exercised. That is big for me. So add me if you like, I need all the help and support I can get. I've been feeling tired all the time and really need to get some weight back off. I need my energy back.
  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    Anyone can add me as a friend. I have lost my motivation. I had previously lost about 40lbs total and gained almost 25 back.
  • mrmedeiros
    mrmedeiros Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I am here for all of you.
  • mrmedeiros
    mrmedeiros Posts: 5 Member
    where is the friend request button???