42 and overweight

But 7 days of rigorously counting calories and scales say 2kg lost. I was only aiming for 1pound a week but i must've been underestimating the amount of exercise.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You have lost some water weight.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Yep, likely mostly water weight along with some fat, that's pretty normal when starting out. If your losses don't slow to 0.5kg/1lb within a few weeks, then increase your calorie intake. Two kg a week is not at all sustainable (as I'm sure you realise, having set your goal to 1 lb :) ).
  • umass2
    umass2 Posts: 6 Member
    What is water weight? I am drinking more water than ever.
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    Hey :) Regardless of whether it's water weight or fat.. You've done an amazing job! Ym
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Fluid retention. Our bodies are made up of a substantial amount of water. The amount we're carrying at any one time varies. Reducing calories generally results in that amount dropping.