The GI Diet

For those who have done it:

What did you think? Was it hard to stay on track? Did the weight come off?


  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Do you mean the "Low G.I" diet?
  • I have rarely gone to the gym. I walk consistently and garden and do Tai Chi in the a.m. I guess running the steps in the house for at least 7 min. a day is added in. I am sure that outdoors I manage to do more than if I am pressed into the gym. However, the wt bearing exercise is missing that way and osteoporosis needs that beyond calcium intake. Do not take omeprazole and prevacid, they will destroy calcium reception in the body. Take aloe instead.
  • Is the GI diet a military one? or is that upper GI meaning easy on the digestive track diet?
  • Ah! I should have explained better! My mistake!! :)

    The Low GI Diet is what I was asking about. (GI being Glycemic Index.)

    My doctor recommended this, and I was wanting feedback from others who have done this particular diet.
  • I don't find it hard to keep on track with the low GI Diet. I'm actually doing low GL (Glycemic Load) now. As it offers a bigger variety of foods.

    I've been doing it for a month now, and I feel much better. I have a lot more energy now too, and my skin has a healthy glow.