Logged for 1 month now

45 yrs old. Former fitness instructor who moved, quit working out and gained 50 pounds. I was already overweight when I taught. I'm looking to lose 80 pounds total. Not sure what calorie intake I should follow. MFP has me over 600 calories less than what my bmr states on other calculators. Using sedentary as that is my normal life and I log all exercise sessions. Weight loss has been slow so hoping I'm not doing a disservice to my body by following the lower intake MFP suggests.


  • Bubbaistrying
    Bubbaistrying Posts: 454 Member
    Sent you a message.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    If you'd provide some details, perhaps someone could help.

    Current weight
    Goal weight
    Weekly weight loss goal
    Calories MFP is giving you
    Calories other sites are giving you
  • Winnernotquitter
    Winnernotquitter Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sure - 5' 7", 247, goal 170, 2 pounds per week, MFP 1250, other sites 1800 and up for bmr. Using sedentary on each site. Side note, I exercise 5-6 days per week for 1 hr which is logged into MFP separately. Usual addition for exercise is 400 and up. I do not eat these calories as I am usually around the 1300 mark for intake. All foods are measured and checked for accuracy to labels.