Help Help Help!

Well basically from January through to April I did well considering I have alot to lose but since then I seem to have fallen off the wagon!
Over the last few weeks I have noticed the weight creeping back on again which is NOT what I want.
So I am asking for all the help possible.
I am not great with motivation but know I need to lose this weight! Ideally a few stone by xmas!
Someone HELP!!!


  • jragan68
    jragan68 Posts: 22
    I have lost over 100lbs I had to stop dieting and change my lifestyle it wasn't until then that I lost the last 50lbs u can do it just have to not look at it as a diet :)
  • Well basically from January through to April I did well considering I have alot to lose but since then I seem to have fallen off the wagon!
    Over the last few weeks I have noticed the weight creeping back on again which is NOT what I want.
    So I am asking for all the help possible.
    I am not great with motivation but know I need to lose this weight! Ideally a few stone by xmas!
    Someone HELP!!!

    not much can be done for motivation, i think you have it or you dont.
    but you should just get yourself some dvds, or go to the gym etc. :) x
  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    I have been there too - lost 28lbs last year but over the winter some of it crept back on....I am now back to 22lbs lost so i am getting there.
    I think alot of losing weight is that you have to be in the right frame of mind. Think to yourself 'I CAN do this, I WILL do this!' - imagine yourself in a few months time in that outfit you really want. Or maybe if you have a special event coming up think about how many pounds you can realistically lose before then - and be realistic - its a great incentive and it breaks the weight loss down into little pieces. So much easier to think of 5lbs rather than 50 :-)) Then once you get there work your way to the next event, lose the next 5lbs etc.
    I have a weight loss snake on my fridge....divided into little segments and when I have lost a half pound I colour one of them in. Kind of primary school I know, but I so want to get to his tail! :-))
    Best of luck - you have overcome the first hurdle just by admitting you are finding it hard and not jumping off the wagon :-)
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    Motivation comes from within, inspiration can be gained from outside... my ideas for inspiring you are:
    - fundraise for a good cause through exercise (eg $ for a fun run or something) so that you are inspired to work out by the thought that you'll end up helping someone else
    - same thing with food (check out
    - same thing with weight loss (eg get make a pledge that each lb lost you'll donate $X to a very very important charity - you define what is important)
    - compete with someone else, or join a sports team or find a fitness buddy so that you are more accountable & inspired to make better choices

    Alternatively, you could try tricking yourself into thinking you aren't actually trying to be healthy:
    - try doing some activities which burn calories but which aren't really "exercise" such as going shopping (walking = burn) or gardening
    - just change what you buy when you go shopping, make a couple of rules like no junky stuff, but heaps of fruits & veges, and focus on trying to eat more of the kinds of foods you know are good for you rather than denying yourself certain foods (that way you are thinking about 'oh I must make sure I eat a piece of fruit with lunch' instead of 'oh I must make sure I don't eat anything fatty/sugary/salty' which would make you feel restricted and tempted

    :smile: Good luck!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    My thoughts are... find your dedication and you will find your motivation. Become dedicated to it, to YOU... and you will find what motivates you. Good luck!!