Overweight Cosplayer

Hi everyone I'm Shiverness and I am an overweight geek.

I love cosplaying it's been a hobby for a while but I want to actually look good and feel good about myself when I'm doing my costuming. More characters will open up for me and I am looking forward to finally losing weight.

Besides vanity reasons I also would love to be able to run up a flight of stairs without breathing heavy.

My goal are:
lose 35 lb
Run 2 miles under 18 minutes
Complete a 100 mile bike ride
Cosplay as Morticia Addams

These goals our long-term but I'm hoping with this app, eating right and working out will help.

However I tend to lose motivation quickly and frequent yo-yo Dieter. Fast food hamburgers are my weakness and often for work I go out with friends to eat for lunch. The socialization I'll be missing is there a huge reason why I fail.

But I am planning on riding my bike to work daily in hopes to lose more, and get me in the mindset of being healthy throughout the day.

I am so nervous how my fat *kitten* is going to look on a bike and the terrible remark so get from passing cars. Fingers crossed it won't be frequent.

I know that was a lot to read but I definitely would love a few comforting words because I am nervous about this new healthy lifestyle I'm going to get myself into.


  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Greetings, fellow cosplayer!

    There's good news for you: you don't have to give up fast food in order to get in shape. The only thing you have to give up is the idea that going out with friends for lunch is a loss. There's nothing wrong with going ahead and having that burger, and just having a lighter dinner. You can do this!

    As for motivation, well, hopefully that's where this app and this community comes in.

    What characters have you cosplayed before? Just curious!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    During my first 365 days of logging on MFP I lost 72.5lbs.

    From my food log, I count >70 McDonald or Wendy's burgers and >70 vanilla cones from McD's, Burger King and Dairy Queen!

    You can have anything and everything. Just not all at once, every time, and all the time!

    *I reduced the burgers to about half for year two; but almost doubled the vanilla cones!

    Pro hint: most vanilla cones as served are larger than the official cone size and this should be reflected in your logging. Start at 1.33 till you can eyeball their relative size.
  • shiverness
    shiverness Posts: 5 Member
    I'm glad to see other people have had fast food and it didn't destroy them! I definitely need to manage my portion control and try not to overdo it when I do go out to eat.

    My favorite cosplays I've done is Ursula, Mother Gothel and Hawkgirl.

    I am also an ad vid steampunker and I'm working on a steampunk Phoenix for a upcoming convention.❤️
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Way to go fellow geek! (brony here!) MyFitnessPal (MFP) is a great way to lose weight in a flexible and sustainable manner. Nutrition facts for most major fast food chains are available, and you'll be surprised what you can 'fit' into your day and still lose/maintain your weight! Best of luck! There's lots of great advice on here.
  • scoobytaylor1
    scoobytaylor1 Posts: 19 Member
    edited September 2017
    By no means am I suggesting that you give up your burgers as long as they are fitting into your daily calorie count but maybe you could suggest to your friends that once in a while you could all get together at lunch for a healthier or lower calorie meal choice. Don't let what other ignorant people say sway the way you decide to workout, do this for yourself, your worth it.
  • chubbycatcorner
    chubbycatcorner Posts: 102 Member
    I am here if you ever need advice :)

    Btw I also love Mlp :)
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    hey! Geek, Cosplayer, Steampunk!!! I've moved to maintenance now after shifting my excess. My costuming issues are now that I'm getting middle aged I worry about that instead :D And the cost of replacing all my corsets :'(

    If you start to lose motivation I can tell you the work is worth it. I look so much more legitimate as a 2000AD Street Judge now then I did 25 pounds ago.
  • mazurkiepolish
    mazurkiepolish Posts: 363 Member
    Hey, welcome!! The wonderful thing about losing weight is you can eat whatever you want as long as you’re in your calorie range ☺️ so you don’t have to say no to fast food. Just make it fit in! And I hope no one bothers you on your bike.. do they?! Don’t let that change anything. You’re doing this for you, just stay focused. You can do it.