Critique my diary, need help.



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Sorry Jacky, I think I was wound up by all the people saying how healthy it is.

    There's lots of tips available at working fresh foods into your life, it can just take a little effort on your part, maybe some tupperware, freezer and a sunday afternoon prepping.

    I buy cheat stuff, pre mixed veg or salads, pre chopped onions or peppers etc.

    I can see from some of the weird and wonderful 'diet' stuff you get (which I'm not sure I can even get in this country) that you're trying really hard to get your nutrients. I just believe we can all have a much easier time with better results if we just try to eat fresh.
    At least stuff with less than 5 ingredients, that you can pronounce the name of. I think that's far healthier than starting to worry about your macros already.

    Good luck!

    P.S. I tend to try to get back on track after a bad food choice as soon as possible. There's no point feeling guilty and bloated for longer than you have to
  • Molldoll0702
    Molldoll0702 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree with all of what has been said, especially about the sodium. I too need to get more disciplined when it comes to my sodium! But I overall think you need to eat more. Everyday you are under in your calories and you are earning exercise calories on top of that. I can see from what you said in your inital post that you are willing to eat at least 1200 calories to see if that helps and I strongly suggest you do that. When you dont eat enough your body goes into starvation mode and it holds on to the are doing yourself and your body a disservice by not eating your alloted calories each day. I suggest trying to eat your minimum alloted calories, increase fruits and veggies, and keep an eye on your sodium and you will be surprised at with the weight loss!
    Good luck!
  • cbinnd
    cbinnd Posts: 178 Member
    No problem! When I adjusted that for myself it made a HUGE difference! Thats when the pounds started melting off for me. I still struggle with it, and there are days I go way over but for the most part its good to watch :) If you have any more questions, friend me, and I can chat with my nutritionist and help you :)